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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Reception


This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24



Mrs Liggat and Mrs Oldfield would like to welcome you to our class website!

Throughout the year we will be adding lots of information and pictures, so you can share our many wonderful experiences and wow moments.


General Information


School doors open from 8.45 am until 8.55am, please do try and be prompt.


Snack money can be paid each week or for the half term at £1.00 per week. Please put the snack money in an envelope in your child's book bag with their name clearly written on the outside. Many thanks!


Please ensure that all items of your child's school uniform (including coats and shoes) have their full names in.


Summer Term 2020-2021

Dates for Your Summer Diary



  • Monday 26th April: Pupil progress meetings (phone calls - a chance to discuss your child's progress)

  • Friday 28th May: Pirates Day and Dress up (toy donations) and Break up for half term.

  • Monday 7th June: Return back to school.

  • Friday 16th July: End of term - 1.30pm finish.


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The children have been learning all about the Nativity Story as part of our R.E. theme of 'Birthdays.' As a homework activity on Google Classroom the children were asked to learn the first verse of 'Away in a Manger' and we then performed it in our class bubble to share with all of our parents and families. We hope you enjoy it.

R.E. The Posada

For homework the children were each given the flat figures to cut out and create a cone Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. Then to follow the tradition of the Posada they had to find a safe and secure place for their figures to stay and share a story, song or prayer with them.

Design Technology - Textiles

As part of the whole school theme of textiles, Early Years were challenged to create their own dream catcher. We did lots of research about them and discovered that "the native americans were the first to use them," Theo. We also discovered that the "net catches the bad dreams," Leo S. And finally the "good dreams slide down the feathers," Ruby. We then looked at a number of dream catchers and evaluated them, looking for ideas we could pinch for our own. Next we had great fun threading the wool over, under and through to create the web and after that we added decorations to make them attractive. Then we drew a picture of our models noting the equipment we had used and finally we evaluated our dream catchers.

Mathematics - Finding all Possibilities

As part of our bakery theme the children were given cake cases and cherries to create cakes. All of the cakes had to be different and the class was fabulous at spotting if they were the same or different. We then were introduced to the words rows and columns and systematic. We discovered that rows go across, columns go up and down and systematic means having a plan and being organised. 

The children then worked really hard then to try and record the possibilities.

Literacy and Mathematics and Understanding the World

We used the story Rosie's Walk as a stimulus for creating story maps. Jacob Dee said, "A map shows you where to go." The children created their own map of the farmyard and then retold the story using the appropriate positional mathematical language. Finally they created a story map using pictures and words and captions to demonstrate their understanding of the sequence of the story.

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Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video


The children used the App Book Creator to create their own version of The Little Red Hen. They thoroughly enjoyed hearing their own voices and writing words and captions. We hope you like them too.

Odd Sock Day

We came to school in odd socks to raise awareness for Anti-Bullying Week.

Children in Need

We gathered in the hall for a collective worship to celebrate Children in Need. The children were encouraged to think about those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. We demonstrated a great deal of respect throughout the worship.


To enable the children to be able to play in our role play bakery the children made baker hats. The children worked cooperatively to measure around each other's heads, they used the language of too big, too small and just right. Theo said, "I have measured carefully to make the hat fit."


The children have been working on their counting, developing their one to one principle and stable order of counting. They have also been using both hands when counting out to ensure both sides of their brain are engaged.

The Little Red Hen

As part of our work on friendship we read the story of The little Red Hen. The children decided that the animals were not good friends because they did not help the hen. When Mrs O decided to bake bread the children all said that they would help. Every day a different group baked bread and the following day we sampled them in snack time. As Dylan said, "The bread was delicious!"

Expressive Art and Design

The children learned all about the 3 primary colours and experimented to see what happened when they were mixed together. They discovered that the colours that were made are called the secondary colours.

Joseph H said, "Blue and yellow makes green." Teddy said, "Blue and red makes purple."

Friendship Fortnight

As part of our whole school theme of 'Friendship' the children discussed what a good friend is like.

Archie said, "A good friend is kind." Pippa said, "A good friend shares."

The children then went on to make a friendship heart to give to their friend.

Leo S said, "It's for Gerard because he plays nice."

Say No to Racism

The children celebrated this day by wearing red or blue clothes. We have also been learning about Evonne Goolagong, we learned about her resilience and perseverance and likened that to our sport person Ellie Simmonds.

Reece said, "Evonne found her brave."

Jasmine said, "I am going to keep trying."


During this half term the children have been learning about pulse, pitch and tempo.

Luna said, "The pulse is the beat."

Scarlet O said, "If the music is fast or slow is the tempo." 

Ethan said, "The pitch - if the sounds are high or low."

Expressive Art and Design

The children learned all about Vincent Van Gogh and we studied his sunflower painting. We then painted our own sunflowers. The children were encouraged to use 2 different artistic effects - dabbing and strokes, to create their flowers.

Joseph W said, "I dabbed the paintbrush to make the seeds in the middle."

Jacob said, "I used strokes to create the stem and the petals on my sunflower."

Maths - Numicon staircase

The children have been working on being able to build their staircase to 10. They have been demonstrating the ability to link the number symbol with its cardinal number value.

Maths - Data Handling

For our theme of 'Ourselves' the children have been looking at their eye colour. We created pictograms together and then used our fluency of being able to count objects and link number symbols with cardinal number values and then our reasoning to compare the numbers.

Allday's Farm Visit

EYFS had an amazing morning when Allday's Farm came to visit us. We looked at and touched many of the animals, we discussed their habitats and how they were the same or different to us. We also used our senses of touch to describe how the animals felt and sight to describe what we could see.

Scarlet O said, "The rabbit is soft."

Leo S said, "The pig is sleeping in the sun."

Sport Session - celebrating our return to school.

We enjoyed our session of sport with Sean our coach. We had lots of fun exercising in the sunshine with our new friends.

Jacob said, "I can run really fast and chase everyone."

Pippa said, "I like the team games we played."

Collective Worship - The feast of St Robert Bellarmine

We gathered together to remember and celebrate the life of St Robert Bellarmine. We gave thanks for his kindness and discussed how we could try to be more like him.

Reece said,  "I will be kind to my friends."

Theo said, "I will try and help."

R.E. Myself

During our RE theme of Myself the children were encouraged to look carefully at themselves, paying attention to their features and their colours. They were then encouraged to complete a representation of themselves using a variety of media.

PSHE - Emotions

The children listened to the stories "A Little Bit Brave" and "Little Monkey" we discussed the emotions of the characters in the stories linking them to the Zones of Regulation we had been learning about. Every morning we talk about how we are feeling and what zone we are in. We know it is alright to be in any zone, but we now know that the best zone for learning is the green zone when we are calm and happy.

Emily said, "I am in the green zone because I love coming to school."

Leo H said, I am in the green zone because this is the best day ever!"
