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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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Year 1

Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead.

1 Peter 1:6

Welcome to our Year 1 class page. Staff are Mrs Davies surprise and Mrs Parkes indecision. We are looking forward to sharing information and news about what our class have been up to on here. 

Here is some useful information for the term ahead:


Our school day begins at 8.55am each morning, please try to have the children on the playground for when the bell goes so the children can walk into class with their friends. Our day finishes at 3.00pm.


We do P.E. on a Monday afternoon and we ask that the children have a labelled P.E. kit that is left in school. Our P.E. kit consists of a pair of dark shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps. Please ensure that this is in a named draw string bag. If your child wears earrings, could they please be taken out at home on a Monday morning thank you.  


We ask that you please read with your child each night and sign their reading record book.  The day that they read may change weekly so please ensure they have their book bag in school every day.


Toast is on sale every Monday and Wednesday break time at a cost of 10p per slice.

Some dates for your diary


11.9.17 - Yr1 & Yr2 Welcome meeting for parents 9am

13.10.17 - Non-uniform day (donation of unwanted gifts)

16.10.17 - Pupil progress meetings (pm)

20.10.17 - Finish for half term


31.10.17 (Tuesday) - Children return to school

10.11.17 - Friendship assembly 9am Years 1, 3, 4 (parents of those years groups welcome)

17.11.17 - Pyjama Day for Children in Need

24.11.17 - Non-uniform day (donation of chocolates)

8.12.17 - Non-uniform day (donation of bottles)

13.12.17 - Yr1 & Yr2 Christmas Performance for parents 2pm

14.12.17 - Advent Service (Juniors) 7pm in Church

15.12.17 - Christmas Jumper Day, Santa Dash, Christmas Fair!!!!!!!! (HELP!)

20.12.17 (Wednesday) Christmas Party - Finish for Christmas 1.30pm



8.1.18 - Children return to school

5.2.18 - Other Faiths week

9.2.18 - Finish for half term


19.2.18 - Children return to school

1.3.18 - World Book Day (children to wear bee colours)

12.3.18 - Pupil progress meetings (pm)

16.3.18 - Non-uniform day (donation of chocolates)

20.3.18 - Easter service (Juniors) 7pm in Church

21.3.18 - DT day- rockets

23.3.18 - Easter bonnet competition, Raffle, Finish for Easter 1.30pm



09.04.18 - Children return to school

11.05.18 - Yr1 class assembly (parents welcome)

25.05.18 - Non-uniform day (donation of toys)

25.05.18 - Finish for half term


04.06.18 - Children return to school

04.06.18 - Healthy & Active fortnight

11.06.18 - Yr1 Phonics Screening (all week)

15.06.18 - Fun Run

21.06.18 - Yr1 trip to Croxteth Park

29.06.18 - Infant sports day

04.07.18 - Attendance trip to the beach

06.07.18 - Non-uniform (donation of bottles)

13.07.18 - Summer Fair

20.17.18 - Finish for summer

Making bird feeders in DT

Science - Which birds and plants would Little Red Riding Hood find in our local area?

Jigsaw club

Stand up to bullying - with odd socks!

Remembrance Day - Collective Worship

Helping Children In Need. We wore our pyjamas and gave a donation to help those less fortunate than oursleves.

Pantomime - Robin Hood

Warming up for our performance!

Spanish cooking - we made churros with Mercedes. YUM!

Liverpool Academy Football Tournament - well done to our team who came 2nd overall!!

Other Faiths - we had a visit from Leila who taught us lots about Islam. We we tried on some clothes that she brought and had a go on the prayer mats.

Al Rahma Mosque Liverpool - we went a visit to the mosque to learn more about Islam. We met Abu who talked to us about the faith, the mosque and also about tolerance and respect for everybody.

Year 1 went to mass at St Robert Bellarmine on Friday morning. Following mass the children were able to familiarise themselves with the church.

Year 1 play in a day with Altru Drama - we produced a play all about Traditional Tales and performed it for the whole school. We loved every minute of it!

World Book Day 2018 - Our whole school focus book was Bee & Me by Alison Jay. See how amazing we all looked!!

D&T making rockets with Steph
