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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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Year 1

Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead.

1 Peter 1:6

Welcome to our Year 1 class page. Staff are Mrs Davies surprise and Mrs Parkes indecision. We are looking forward to sharing information and news about what our class have been up to on here. 

Here is some useful information for the term ahead:


Our school day begins at 8.55am each morning, please try to have the children on the playground for when the bell goes so the children can walk into class with their friends. Our day finishes at 3.00pm.


This term children will take part in Outdoor And Adventurous activities on a Monday and children need to have a suitable kit for outdoors. Children will come home in their kit on a Monday. This is different from their P.E. kit which children will leave in school.


Our P.E. kit consists of a pair of dark shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps. Please ensure that this is in a named draw string bag. If your child wears earrings, please ensure they are taken out at home on a Monday morning, or plasters/tape are provided for them to cover them up.  Thank you.  


If your child attends football or multi-skills after school on a Wednesday or Thursday, they must have a separate kit to get changed into. They will not be using their P.E. kit for after school clubs.


We ask that you please read with your child each night and sign their reading record book.  The day that they read may change weekly so please ensure they have their book bag in school every day.


Toast is on sale every Monday and Wednesday break time at a cost of 10p per slice.

Important Dates

Autumn Term

17.09.18 - St Robert Bellarmine Feast Day

28.9.18 - Macmillan Coffee morning

12.10.18 - Non uniform day - unwanted gifts

15.10.18- Pupil Progress meetings (pm)

19.10.18 - Finish for half term, Harvest Festival 

31.10.18 - (wed) Children return to school

06.11.18 - multisports at Hawthorne School (children to wear PE kit and tracksuit)

08.11.18 - E safety workshop for parents

15.11.18 - Friendship assembly (Y1, 3, 4 parents invited to attend)

15.11.18 - Stand up to bullying - Children wear odd socks

16.11.18 - Children In Need - Children to wear pyjamas to school

19.11.18 - Other Faiths week

30.11.18 - Non-uniform day - chocolates

30.11.18 - Christmas Bingo (adults) - Parish Club Doors 7pm, Eyed Down 7.30pm


07.12.18 - Non uniform day - bottles

12.12.18 - Yr1 & 2 Christmas performance

14.12.18 - Christmas Fayre, Santa Dash, Christmas jumper day!!!!!

18.12.18 - Advent service (KS2)

21.12.18 - Christmas party

21.12.18 - Finish for Christmas 1.30pm


Spring Term

10.01.19 - Trip to Chester Zoo

04.02.19 - Other Faiths week

08.02.19 - Non uniform day - unwanted gifts

15.02.19 - Finish for half term


07.03.19. - World Book Day - Yr1 children to wear something pink

15.03.19 - Mad Hair day for Comic Relief £1 donation

18.03.19 - Pupil Progress meetings

20.03.19 - Play in a day

22.03.19 - Non uniform day - chocolate

04.04.19 - Easter service in church 7pm (KS2)

05.04.19 - Easter bonnet/garden/poster competition, raffles etc

05.04.19 - Finish for Easter 1.30


Summer Term

22.04.19 - Bank holiday

24.04.19 - DT rockets

06.05.19 - Bank holiday

08.05.19 - Plastic recycling challenge

10.05.19 - Class assembly 9.00am (parents invited to attend)

24.05.19 - Non uniform day - toys

24.05.19 - Finish for half term


03.06.19 - Return to school

03.06.19 - Healthy and Active fortnight

10.06.19 - Phonics screening week 

14.06.19 - Fun Run

20.06.19 - Class Trip

28.06.19 - Sports Day 10am

05.07.19 - Non uniform day - bottles

12.07.19 - Summer Fair

19.07.19 - Children finish for summer 1.30pm



Superhero Mission Statement

Religious Education


We are proud of our history projects we did with our parents and grandparents. 

Looking for signs of autumn

NSPCC Assembly - Speak Out Stay Safe

DT - Making Bird Feeders

Road Safety talk

Our visit to church

Stand up to bullying - wearing our odd socks!

Children In Need

Liverpool Academy - Runners Up!

Valentine Art

World Book Day - We are pink for 'The Day The Crayons Quit'

Mad Hair Day for Comic Relief

Year 6 Reading the stories they had written for Year 1

Plastic Recycling Challenge - Wind chimes

African cooking - Mealie Meal bread

Healthy and Active week - gymnastics

Healthy and Active week - Athletics

Healthy and Active week - Multiskills

Healthy and Active week - Football

Healthy and Active week - Tennis

Walk to school day
