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Year 3

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Year Three

Miss Jones and Mrs McBride welcome you to our website!

We will be adding lots of information and pictures for you to look at about what we have done so far and what is to come in the year ahead.


General Information


School starts with registration at 8:55am, please try to be prompt!


Dinner money is to be paid on a Monday and is £10.00 per week.



Please bring book bags in each day with reading books and reading records. Please try to read to an adult each night or take the opportunity to talk about what you're reading. We ask that they read at least 3 times a day and their reading records are checked on a  Friday.


Spellings will be given on a Monday, please put 10 of these words into sentences in your Literacy homework book to show understanding. Return Literacy homework to school on Wednesday.  Spelling sheets are to be kept at home to practise for the test on Friday.


Maths and an additional piece of Literacy homework is given on a Friday to be returned on Monday.


We are all looking forward to the fantastic year ahead!

Summer Newsletter

British Value - Democracy

Every year group in the school had the chance to elect their school and sports councillors. We looked at our democratic rights and what democracy is all about. With this we listened to the fantastic speeches and we were then able to vote for a girl and boy councillor and sports leader. We are proud to elect Lucca and Isabella as our class councillors and Ethan and Tessie as the sports leaders.

The day we learnt all about programming on the IPads...

The Tear Thief

As part of our English lessons we have been looking at a beautiful book called 'The Tear Thief'. We have loved reading and exploring this book! Here are some photos to show some drama activities, where we got into character and developed impressive thought tracks, as well as some photos to show off our fabulous partner work in which we developed AMAZING sentences. 

Harvest Festival

Harvest is a special time where we say thank you to God for all of the food he has provided for us. 
We took time to think about others around the world who are not as fortunate as we are, with this we looked at the work of CAFOD. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who generously donated food this year for the local food bank!

Our trip to the Dewa Centre in Chester to learn all about the Romans!

We had such a fantastic trip and learnt so many facts throughout the day. 

First we got to experience what life would have been like as a Roman soldier in Roman Chester (Dewa). 

Next we went around the museum, finding out how the Romans lived, what they ate, what happened when they got ill and how they got clean!

Shadow Investigations! 

As part of our Science topic we have been looking at light and shadows. We have been exploring the difference between transparent, opaque and translucent objects and how the shadows of each object can be VERY different. We found out that opaque objects make the best shadows because they block ALL of the light source. With this we went outside when the sun was shining to explore how to make our shadows bigger and smaller. 

Why did the Romans Invade?

As a class we explored the different reasons for why the Romans may have wanted to invade Britain. After we looked at the reasons in groups we debated which were the most important reasons and sorted them in order from the most to least important.

Christmas Fayre Craft!

We had lots of fun making the beautiful gifts to sell at our Christmas Fayre. We used salt dough to make Christmas tree designs and then pressed the dough with our fingertips using acrylic paint to add baubles! We think they look INCREDIBLE!

Santa Dash and Christmas Jumper Day

Year 3 looked great in their variety of jumpers! They became very competitive at the start of the race and were eager to be the first boy or girl to cross the line. It was a close competition but at the very last second Peter-Lee and Maisie battled it out for first place for the boys and girls!

Christmas Party

The juniors had a great time celebrating the end of a busy but exciting term! We hope you all have a happy, joyful and safe Christmas and will see you in 2017!

Design & Technology Day 


As a class we had an exciting day designing and building models related to our Science topic on forces. During the day we began by making amazing rockets and this was followed by some very creative marble mazes! Have a look at our creations...



Our new Science topic is all about magnets and forces. Recently we have been investigating push and pull forces and have set up different experiments to test the strength of different types of magnets. Here are some pictures of our latest experiment.


This week we had a very special visit from Priti Mistry, who taught us about Hinduism. She brought in beautiful clothes, jewellery, a sari and objects that would be found in a shrine at home. We learnt about the Mandir, shrines, Hindu gods and their clothing. We especially enjoyed watching Priti do her beautiful Henna designs, which were very intricate!

British Values Assembly - Respect and Tolerance

As a class we have been looking into what the British Values of mutual respect and tolerance really mean. We explored examples of how we can show these values in everyday life and also why they are so important. Afterwards we produced some amazing PowerPoint presentations in groups and then for the assembly we showed off the 'best bits' from every group! You can view the presentation below...

Easter Craft

Year 3 pulled out all the stops for another year with their fabulous gardens and bonnets! After much deliberation it was decided that the winners were Anthony Blower and Alisha Kenton, huge congratulations to them! But a big well done too to everyone who took part. 

Congratulations too to Lily Shirley who took home the raffle prize!

Fabulous fractions!

We have just started exploring fractions and already we are proving how simple fractions can really be! We have been using the BAR model to help us and this has been a great way of showing each fraction. For this activity we were given a fraction of the whole shape and had to work out how many blocks would be needed to make the whole. Then we proved it by building the final shape.


The time we had all been eagerly waiting for finally came, we could barely contain our excitement when we arrived! From start to finish we had smiles on our faces as we faced new challenges and made lots of memories. We battled our way through the obstacle course, tested our balance on the low ropes,  showed off our moves during street dancing, created mind-blowing shelters, flew in the sky on the zipwire and survived the deadly swamp! To top it off we enjoyed movie nights in the evenings and showed off our impressive skills during C.H.E.T's Got Talent. It really was a one-in-a-lifetime trip! 

Thank you Year 3 for being brilliant as always! 

We are REALLY good at finding fractions... even fractions of money!

DT Tree Houses

Erupting Volcanoes 


Once again the class have produced an amazingly varied range of interesting homework projects! The volcanoes looked brilliant and so realistic. We loved watching how the different shapes and designs affected the actual eruptions. We found out that the smaller the volcano the more powerful and effective the eruption could be! It was great to see and a huge thank you to all of those who helped to make these fascinating designs! 

Goals Tournament

On Thursday the girls went to Goals for a football tournament, they did ever so well and managed to battle to third place! Huge well done to everyone who competed. 

Liverpool Docks Trip 

We had a brilliant trip learning more about the development of Liverpool's Docks through time. We began with a talk all about the early dock workers, the transformation of ships over time, trade and along the way we even got to try out different sailing and shipping techniques. After this we went back in time and had the chance to experience what it would have been like to emigrate from the Liverpool Docks and immigrate to New York. 


Healthy and Active Week

We have been very busy over the past two weeks exploring many different sports and activities that help to keep us fit! Take a look at what we have been getting up to...

Go Carts! 

These are our new favourite mode of transport! They really worked our stomach and leg muscles, as well as being incredibly fun. We hope we can use them again. 

Year 3 and 4 tournament 

Year 3 and 4 battled it out in their house teams for the annual intra-school tournament. They faced a variety of challenges including an obstacle course, sprints, discus throwing and long jumping. 

Fun Run 

Another year, another Fun Run and this year's energy and costumes were even more incredible than the previous! Well done Year 3, you turned up looking fantastic and enjoyed every minute!
