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Year 3

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Year Three

Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride welcome you to our website!

General Information

School starts with registration at 8:55am, please try to be prompt!

Dinner money is to be paid on a Monday and is £10.00 per week.


  • Spellings will be given on a Monday. Spelling sheets are to be kept at home to practise for the test on Friday. Put 10 of these words into sentences in your Literacy homework book to show understanding. Return Literacy homework to school on Wednesday.  
  • Handwriting sheets with the weeks spellings will be sent on a Wednesday to help your child practice their spellings for their Friday test.
  • Maths and an additional piece of Literacy homework is given on a Friday to be returned on Monday.


  • Please bring book bags in each day with reading books and reading records. Please try to read to an adult each night or take the opportunity to talk about what you're reading.
  • We ask that pupils read at least 3 times a week, and that you record when they do so in their homework diary.
  • Pupils will also take home an additional book from our school library. This is a book to enjoy at home and in school - you do not need to record anything related to this book in their homework books.

Summer Term Updates

Volcano Models 


Over the Easter break Year 3 worked extremely hard creating their volcano models and they did a fantastic job! They looked at the different parts of a volcano and some children even made it possible for their volcanoes to erupt!

Erupting Volcanoes

 Rock Hunting 

Year 3 are learning all about the different types of rocks - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We went on a hunt around the school to find out all the different ways rocks are being used.


Street Dancing
Adventure Course
Shelter Building
Swamp Fun!
Low Ropes
Outdoor Problem Solving

DT - Treehouses

The Finished Products!

Spanish Chorizo Bread 


Smile Challenge - Obstacle Course

Thank you to Year 6 for creating the amazing obstacle course. It really made us smile!

Healthy and Active

Week 1

Day 1 - Football
Day 2 - Athletics
Day 3 - Multiskills
Day 4 - Dance

Week 2 




Healthy Pudding Challenge!


Think Charts

We were shocked by our findings! Each of the puddings that we compared were high in saturated fats and sugars. None of them contained any of the five a day needed for a healthy, balanced diet - not even lemon curd pudding!

Lemon Curd Pudding

114 kcal 

2.0g of Saturated Fat 

10g of Sugar


Sticky Toffee Pudding 

337 kcal

4.3g of Saturated Fat 

29g of Sugar

Classic Syrup Pudding 

376 kcal

6.3g of Saturated Fat

19g of Sugar

Healthy Puddings!


Year 3 have worked so hard and done a terrific job of making their healthy puddings. They really rose to the challenge! Everyone came up with great healthy alternatives to the puddings we normally eat. We had such a range of puddings to try and loved every single one!

Liverpool Docks Trip

Year 3 had a fantastic time at the Maritime Museum today. We visited Liverpool Old Dock and got to explore all other museums in the building.

Frankenstein Flowers!

In Science, we have been learning about the different parts that make up a plant. We decided to do an investigation into each of these parts, so dissected some flowers to find the roots, stem, flower and leaves. We then had the tricky task of putting the flowers back together and creating 'Frankenstein Flowers.'

Spring Term Updates:


Sorting Shapes in Maths

We had lots of fun this week reviewing the properties of regular and irregular shapes. We used Carroll and Venn diagrams to sort shapes by their properties. We thought about using lots of different criteria and decided the best way to sort our shapes was by the number and type of sides and the type of angles.

Design and Technology


We had an amazing day working with Steph to create two projects linked to our science topic of Forces. First we made a Marble Maze powered by gravity and then made a rocket - and we got them to shoot up into the sky!

Multiplication - Finding Patterns with Numicon


We worked in groups to investigate the patterns that could be found in the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We found patterns in them all and even found links between the 4 and 8 times tables and used our prior knowledge of the 2 times tables to help us with our investigation. 

Problem Solving - Science Escape Rooms 


We had to work in groups to use our science and problem solving skills to crack the codes! 

Multicultural Art - Pablo Picasso 


This half term we have learning about Spain and trying to find answers to why people go there on their holidays. We have also been studying the works of Pablo Picasso and decided to recreate some of his most famous pieces. We used oil pastels and paints to draw portraits of each other in his unique style. 

Safer Internet Day - 6th February 2018


To raise awareness of how our actions online can affect others, we discussed how lots of different things that happen online and how they make us feel. Year 3 have learned that we should stay safe online, never talk to people we don't know and to always be kind to others - even when we are using the internet


We really enjoyed learning more about the Hindu religion. We focused on the Mandir, which is a place of Hindu worship, and were introduced to some of the items that could be found at one of these. We then got the opportunity to try on some traditional outfits and each child got a  henna tattoo of their choice. 

British Values - Tolerance and Respect Assembly 

Online Safety and Online Bullying. 


Today we explored the importance of staying safe online and being aware of the risks. We now have a lot to think about in terms of how we use the internet, how we protect ourselves online and how we treat others. 

Investigating Contact Forces with Slime


Following our work on magnets, we decided to plan an investigation looking at the impact of a contact force on a material. We used our observation skills to look at the change in state that took place in our mixture of corn flour and water.

Division Museum 

Easter Chicks 


We had the opportunity to visit the Nursery this week and meet the newborn chicks who have been hatching all week. Such a lovely treat before Easter!

Sports Relief - Dancethon


We took part in a dancethon and raised money for sports relief. We didn't stop dancing and hope our donations go towards some great causes!

Easter Bonnet Competition 


Well done to everyone who took part and a beautiful bonnet or garden. Big congratulation to Daisy and Mikey for being chosen as winners by Year 4! 

Autumn Term Updates: 

Play in a Day

We were very lucky to work as a class and create our very own Play in a Day based on facts we learned about Prehistoric Times - The Ice Age, Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We had great fun taking part in this and learned lots of new songs, chants and interesting facts about the very distant past!



School Council

We had our voices heard and democratically voted for our new School Council. Two children from our class have been voted in to represent us for the rest of this school year, and we look forward to seeing all the hard work they will do for our school!







We learnt how to be SMART surfers when using the internet and the designed posters for the rest of our school to see. After this, we used iPads to take pictures of our posters and upload them online so everyone in our class could have a look at each other's work and learn how to like and comment on each others work! 

Extreme Reading


Year 3 love to read anywhere and everywhere - even under their desks!

Harvest Festival


A big thank you to everyone who came to see all the hard work that Year 3 put into their Harvest Festival assembly!

We hope you enjoyed our lovely singing and our retelling of the Feeding of the 5000!

Ordering and Comparing Numbers


We have been ordering numbers up to 1000 by making human number lines and working in groups to come up with our own numbers to order. We've also been comparing numbers using the symbols > greater than and < less than.

Estimating and Ordering


We worked in groups to estimate the number of pages in different sized books and then ordered these from smallest to largest. 



We have been reading 'The Tear Thief' and because Year 3 love it so much we decided to act out our favourite part of the book for our classmates to watch! We performed in groups and everyone had to guess which scene was being acted out. This really helped us to understand how the different characters feel in this great book!

Stone Age Artwork


In History, we have been learning about how Stone Age people lived and communicated with each other. After looking at some images of cave paintings, Year 3 have decided to make their own and did an excellent job!

Should all stories have a happy ending?


Our new book 'The Lost Happy Endings' has led to some great discussions and debates in our class. We had some very mixed opinions on whether or not all stories should have a happy ending so decided to have a Conscience Alley in our class to help us come to a conclusion!

Anti - Bullying Week

To celebrate this important subject we put on an assembly for our school. As a class we came up with The Friendship Quiz and tested everyone on what they thought the important features of a good friend are. 


Everyone proved themselves to be great friends!

Friendship Assembly - November 2017

Odd Sock Day - Anti-Bullying Week

Remembrance Day

The children respectfully stopped their work and we held a two minute silence to remember all those who have died in wars. 

Subtraction using Trio of Numbers, Bar models and Base 10


We worked in pairs to come up with different representations for subtraction. We came up with and then used lots of different ways to show the same calculation.

Year 3 & 4 Goals Tournament

Science - Fair Testing


Mrs McBride needed us to help her find a suitable material for curtains to use in her house, because the ones she had just didn't block out enough light. We tested out a range of materials that we found in our class and decided that a tea-towel would be the best option for Mrs McBride. 


We wanted to investigate if the materials were opaque, transparent or translucent.


To make sure this was a fair test we only changed ONE thing throughout the whole experiment - the material for the curtains. 

Play in a Day - The Romans


We spent another whole day putting on a play about the Romans, and we got to learn lots of facts while we did it! We learnt about the different emperors who ruled in Ancient Rome, how they took their baths and all about the different ways they have changed our lives. 

DEWA Roman Trip Chester


We had a fantastic day in Chester. We spent our day in the museum learning all about how Romans lived. We also got the chance to go on a Roman patrol to the amphitheatre in Chester. This was an amazing end to our day! 

Year Three are Roman Soldiers!

Still image for this video

Judaism Week

We learned about how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat! 

Year 3 Weather Watchers loving the snow!!

Robin Hood - The Pantomine


Altru Drama put on a great performance of Robin Hood for us and we loved it! Everyone had the chance to get involved and we worked with Robin Hood to help save the day!

Merry Christmas from Year 3!


We had a fantastic time dancing together at our Christmas Party!!
