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Year 3

 Year Three


Miss Jones and Mrs Rigby welcome you to our website! We will be adding lots of information and pictures for you to look at about what we have done so far and what is to come in the year ahead.


General Information


School starts with registration at 8:55am, please try to be prompt.


Dinner money is to be paid on a Monday and is £9 per week.


Please bring book bags in each day with reading books and reading records. Please try to read to an adult each night or take the opportunity to talk about what you're reading.


Spellings will be given on a Monday, please put 10 of these words into sentences in your Literacy homework book to show understanding. Return Literacy homework to school on Tuesday. Spelling sheets are to be kept at home to practise for the test on Friday.


Homework is given on a Friday to be returned on Monday.




Still image for this video

Our Shadow investigation in Science

Our Play in the Day about the Stone Age

Colomendy Fun Run 2014

 Within our RE topic we looked at why homes are special places and how we can thank our family for everything they do to make our homes happy places!

Fun Run

During the Fun Run Year 3 were fantastic and the whole class ran at least 3 laps of the field to complete a mile run! Well done to you all.
Their costumes were brilliant and thank you to everyone who has helped with the fundraising. 
Before the run we also had a whole class collective worship to think about those who have been affected by Ebola and everyone wrote their own prayers to run with in support of those who are in Sierra Leone. 



As a class we have been learning about natural disasters during our topic work. We have learnt some very interesting facts and especially enjoyed looking at volcanoes!


With this topic Year 3 had a homework project to construct their own volcanoes and they then presented these to the rest of the class. It was fantastic to see the complete range of designs and materials, which made each volcano completely unique! 


Thank you to everyone at home who helped in the making of these amazing projects.

My Maths

This link offers home access to a fantastic digital resource already used in school by staff and children. Now you are able to access this exciting resource at home too!

  1. Click the link below
  2. Enter the school username and password (available from your teacher)
  3. Enter the portal by entering your unique Login and password (available from your teacher)
  4. Enjoy the fantastic activities and games!