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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 

 'I came that they may have life and live it to the full' (John 10:10) 


Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby would like to welcome our year 5 children and families to our class page for 2022/2023. We will look to keep you informed about new events in our class both on here and on Twitter with regular updates. 



Summer Term Updates  

Summer Term Diary Dates 


(First Summer half term) 

Monday 17th April: Other Faiths week: Hinduism.  

Tuesday 18th April: Hindu visitor to Year 5.

Friday 28th April: Year 5 class assembly.  

Tuesday 2nd May – Friday 5th May: Year 5 Bikeablity sessions all week.

Tuesday 23rd May: Year 5 trip ‘Crucial Crew’

Friday 26th April: non-uniform day (bottles) and break up for half-term at 3pm.


(Second Summer half term) 

Important Dates: Spring 2

Monday 5th June: return to school   

Friday 16th June: Fun Run  

Monday 19th June to Friday 23rd June : Healthy and Active week 1.

Monday 26th June to Friday 30th June: Healthy and active week 2.

Friday 30th June: Sport’s Day

Friday 7th July: Summer Fair

Friday 14th July: break up for summer holidays 1:30pm.




Liverpool Trip 



We went on a school trip to Liverpool city centre on our very own open top bus. First, we visited the Walker Art Gallery where we looked three paintings in particular: an abstract painting, a portrait and L.S. Lowry’s Liverpool water front. We learnt about light and had a go at shading, perspective and we ‘read’ a painting using clues from the image. After a trip around Liverpool we learnt all about the buildings in our amazing city, we stopped off at The Albert Dock. Here, we looked at range of sculptures on display. Some commemorated many families’ journeys to America to begin a new life, rock and roll in 1960’s Liverpool and one was inspired by John Lennon's campaign for peace. 



This week we are learning about Hinduism for our other faiths week. We were delighted that Mrs Mistry came to visit us in Year to teach us all about her faith and in particular the story of Diwali. We were able to create some beautiful rangoli patterns and even get some henna designs on our hands. 


The Planetarium 

Today we had a special expert visit school. We stepped inside the Planetarium to learn all about our solar system, The Milky Way, and the 8 planets that orbit the sun. It was incredible to see the photographs of the different planets close up and be able to compare the size of the planets. We also learnt about the first moon landing on July 20th 1969 and saw incredible images of the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on The Moon. 

Our Inspirational Person

Rosa Parks

For this half-term's inspirational person, Year 5 researched the life and achievements of Rosa Parks. We have been learning about people who have stood up for the rights of black people throughout history and we believe that Rosa Parks is an inspiration to us all. She was brave, did what she believed in and changed the lives of many through her dedication to fighting for equal rights in America. Here are some photographs of the projects we received and there are more PowerPoint presentations for us to enjoy too. Well done everyone! Thank-you for all you hard work. 




In maths we have been working on factors of numbers. We used counters to create arrays for numbers and then identified the factors using these arrays and a factor bug. We also used arrays to demonstrate which numbers are not factors the number. 


The Maya

In preparation for our net history topic we enjoyed a play in a day. We learnt a lot of interesting facts which we can use in our history lessons during this topic. We also developed our performance skills, learning how to project our voices and perform our parts as if we were the characters. We learnt a lot and enjoyed ourselves at the same time. 





In computing this term we have been using Scratch to create a game using our coding skills. The game involves moving a player around a maze and collecting coins to score points. We wrote the code to move the player up, down, left and right according to the arrow keys and return to the start when it hit the maze. We also made sure the coins disappeared once they were collected and added a timer and score board. We had great fun making the games and even more fun playing them. 


Forces Mass vs Weight 


In our science lesson on forces we explored weight vs mass. We used force meters to measure the weight and mass of objects and looked for a relationship between the two. We tried to be as accurate as we could when taking the measurements. 



Personal Boundaries 


We have been learning about personal boundaries and personal space in our PSHE lessons. As you can see in the photographs we carried out an activity which explored this and found that our personal space was very important to us and we can say when we feel uncomfortable. 

Equality and Diversity 

Inspirational People Assembly


Year 5 were involved in this terms Equality and Diversity assembly, which had a theme of inspirational people. In English we had been studying the life Harriet Tubman and wrote biographies on this inspiration civil rights activist, who changed the lives of many for the better. Harriet was born on a cotton plantation and was enslaved for much of her life, until one day she decided to escape and find freedom in the northern states of America. Harriet then risked her life many times, returning to free many others, including her own parents, using the Underground Railroad. 

Wonder - RJ Palacio 

The children have started our autumn text Wonder. We find out about the problems and prejudice faced by Auggie, the ten year old main character, who has a facial disability. Will he win round the other children who are too quick to judge him by his appearance rather than the quality of his character? 



Role play Jack Will: We role played Jack being interviewed by CNN news explaining how he has let August down and how he wants to say sorry. This allowed the children to express Jack's feelings and use informal language including American phrases. 

Ancient Egypt

We have been working hard with our cultural capital historical research. We have found out all about the final Egyptian Pharaoh queen Cleopatra. Here are some of our completed projects. 

Ancient Egyptian timelines: We looked at the Ancient Egyptian civilisation and made comparisons and observations with other time periods. We then looked at evens in Ancient Egypt and positioned them on a timeline. 



Play in a Day: We learned so much about Ancient Egypt in just 1 day!!

Ancient Egypt trip - Liverpool World Museum We had a great time at the World Museum - we handled real 3000-year-old artifacts including shabtis and amulets. We deciphered hieroglyphics using a copy of the Rosetta Stone. As well as answering a quiz in the gallery, we also had a session called 'Meet the Mummy' where we got to act out a real mummification process.  

We proudly wore our class poppies on our 11th November visit. 

Mission Statement Day: Frida Kahlo


As part of our Mission Day we studied the work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Frida matched many of our key mission statements. She showed lots of resilience and fought back after many set backs. We completed Frida portraits using her style, including big, bright and colourful flowers worn in her hair. 



Maths: We have spent time in the autumn term understanding place value and the value of specific digits up to 1 million. We had 6 digit numbers and expressed them in different forms including using place value charts and counters, partitioning, bar models and number lines. 

Negative number patterns and rounding. 

DT Day with Steph: We really enjoyed making our moving cam toys. 

Year 5 Trashion Show: We had great fun on the catwalk at the Trashion Show. We know that the important message is to recycle and renew to help protect God's creation. 

Science Investigations: Here are some examples of our science investigations. We predicted which solid would dissolve into water. We also heated sugar solutions to bring back solid sugar once the water evaporated. We also used equipment such as funnels and filter paper to conduct filtration to bring back clean water from a mix of water, soil and stones. 

Black History Month: Year 5 studied Walter Tull - a true pioneer. He was the first black outfield footballer to play in the top English league (First Division as it was known then) in 1909 for Tottenham Hotspur. He was also the first black man to be a captain in the British army during the First World War. 
