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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


"Be truly glad there is wonderful joy ahead."

1 Peter 1:6


Miss Coughlin, Mrs Birch and Mrs Parkes would like to welcome you to the Year 1 class page for 2023-2024.

Our aim is to keep you informed of all the things that are happening in our class. 


Summer Term


Dates for Your Diary

Summer Term


Summer 1


Monday 15th April: Term begins

Monday 6th May: Bank Holiday

Friday 10th May: Wear Yellow for Deaf Awareness assembly


Summer 2 




* please note: some of these dates may be subject to change

For more detailed information about each curriculum subject please refer to the appropriate tab on the Curriculum page.



Year 1 and Year 2 performed a fantastic Nativity. We worked so hard to learn all of the songs and we loved performing to the school, our families and our local community.

Christmas Jumper Day


We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers for Christmas Jumper Day!

The Storybarn


We visited The Storybarn at Calderstones Park. Our first task was a bravery test. We went down the slide to prove how brave we were before we set off into the park. We were told that a monster/animal/creature had been in the park the previous night and we searched for clues to find out what it was. In groups, we created our own creature using our bodies. We gave it a name, a place to live and identified what it likes to eat. We then enjoyed listening to a story and playing games in the park. We went back to the barn for lunch. After lunch, we engaged in imaginative play in the barn. We had to search for different things in the barn including dinosaur spikes and fairy doors. We were able to dress up and explore. We then listened to stories. Finally, we created our own bookmark to represent the monster/animal/creature we had spoken about earlier in the day. We had a fantastic day!

Children in Need


We dressed in pyjamas for Children in Need. We raised £355 as a school! Thank you very much for all of your generous donations. Throughout the day, we enjoyed listening to Pudsey stories and we completed some Pudsey maths challenges! We also won Freddo Friday for having 100% attendance!

Other Faiths Week


As part of Other Faiths week, we visited Childwall synagogue with Year 6. We learnt about the celebrations and symbols of the Jewish faith. We also had a visit to school from Michelle, a Jewish woman, who gave us lots of information including important people, places, festivals, language, symbols and commandments. 

Remembrance Day


We discussed the meaning of Remembrance Day and its importance to us. We had a collective worship where we had time to think, listen, reflect and pray for those that sadly lost their lives. We made poppies and came and lay them to show respect. 

Friendship Assembly


As part of Friendship Fortnight, we learned all about friendship. As a class, we made a list of all of the different things we think we need to be in a recipe to make a good friend. We put together 'Year 1's Recipe for Friendship' using all of our ideas. We chose the song 'Count on me' because we liked the words in the song and we think it is important to always be there for your friends and look after them. We wore odd socks to celebrate differences and to stand up to bullying. We also made chef costumes to match our job roles!

Red and Blue Day to say NO to Racism


We wore red and blue to say NO to Racism as part of the 'Show Racism the Red Card' campaign. We discussed the importance of treating people fairly and kindly. We enjoyed talking about ways to include everyone. We also won Freddo Friday for having 100% attendance this week!

DT Workshop


We made our own pictures with levers and sliders based on one of our favourite stories, Room on the Broom. We loved exploring our designing, cutting, drawing and colouring skills to create our fantastic moving pictures.

Hello Yellow Day and Macmillan Coffee Morning


We supported the Young Minds charity by wearing yellow for #helloyellow. We wanted to raise awareness and promote good mental health in young people. We also held a Coffee Morning for Macmillan. We made 'Thank you' cards for the nurses and staff that do a fantastic job daily in supporting others. We created a prayer to thank God for helping to look after our nurses and people that are ill. We raised money by having a cake sale.

We went to church to celebrate the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. We had made cards for Father Faustinus to thank him for all he does for us. Some of us wore our coats inside out for Inside out for Mental Health. After Church we talked about feelings and made a long list of all the feelings we have. 

Year One go to Church.

We went to church to celebrate the feast day of Jesus' Presentation at the Temple. We all made cards for Father to say Thank You for all that he does for us.

Our special visitors

Today we were delighted to meet Baby Caodhan (pronounced Caden) when Miss Coughlin brought him in to meet us. He is a really good baby and seemed to settle when we sang to him! It was lovely to see him and Miss Coughlin said he was used to the sound of our voices!! We can't wait to see them again.

Little baby

Year One Visit the Wonderdome


We had a wonderful time finding out about the stars and planets when Annette brought the Wonderdome to school. We saw the whole galaxy and the amazing colours of the stars and planets. We told Annette the names of the 8 planets and she told us lots more amazing facts. Lots of children told her they want to be scientists,engineers and astronauts. We are all excited that if things go to plan in a few years people will once again be standing on the Moon! How exciting!

World Book Day

Year One had a great day on Thursday 7th March as it was World Book Day. Everybody tried to wear something green as we were reading The Wild by Yuval Zommer. We read the book and acted out the events from the beginning, middle and end of the story. We also had great fun mixing the colour green from blue and yellow and producing lots of different shades of green. Mrs Birch had drawn the wild and we painted it. A great creative day and we talked lots about saving the wild places of our world.
