Online Safety
What is Online Safety?
“Online Safety is concerned with the safeguarding of young people in the ‘digital’ world and ensuring that they feel safe when accessing new technology.”
Background Information
Computing in the 21st Century has an all-encompassing role within the lives of children and adults. New internet and online technologies are enhancing communication and the sharing of information. Current and emerging internet and online technologies used in school and, more importantly in many cases, used outside of school by children include:
Online Safety is a very important aspect in today’s modern society. It is concerned with the safeguarding of young people in the "digital" world and ensuring that they feel safe when accessing new technology.
At St Robert Bellarmine, we teach all of our children how to stay safe when using technology and ensure that they are aware of what to do if they feel unsafe when in the “digital” world.
We create a safe learning environment through:
You can help your child by finding out more about Online safety or by supporting them when accessing child friendly websites at home. These websites are designed for primary school children and enable them to learn more about e-safety through games/video clips etc.
Online Safety
The Internet is a fantastic resource that we use every single day; however, it is important that we use it responsibly and safely.
Here you can find links to help you stay safe and have fun whilst using the Internet at home and in school.
Can you remember how to keep yourself safe online?
Do you need advice about reporting things that are happening online that are making you worried or unhappy?
Parents, do you need advice about the latest apps, making reports and how to implement parental controls?
Check out the comprehensive Online Safety page designed hi-impact...
Online Safety Booklet
At St. Robert Bellarmine, we are committed to keeping children safe online. In school, we can control, filter and monitor internet usage through supervision and software. We know that at home, an ever-increasing number of children have unsupervised access to the internet, something which naturally increases with age through to adulthood.
Privacy settings are important, knowing/understanding the risks is important and following age guidelines is important. However, according to the NSPCC, talking to your child – openly, and regularly – is the best way to help keep them safe online. We highly recommend reading this document for expert advice.
NSPCCTalking to your child about staying safe online
Online Safety and Digital Images
In order to safeguard all our children and staff it is school policy that any photographs or images taken during school events such as assemblies, Masses, performances, sporting events etc. are acceptable for parents/carers to do so. In this instance these images are permitted for personal use only and MUST NOT be shared on any form of social media.
If you click on the link below, you will find short, informative videos which give a brief outline of each of the social websites. You can also find guides on how to block and report.
Parental Controls & Privacy Settings Guides - Internet Matters
Are you SMART online?
If you're feeling worried about something you have seen or are experiencing online, it is important that you:
Remember that this can be your: class teacher, any other teacher, teaching assistant, Headteacher as well as your parents or adult family members.
Together, we can help you, or find someone who can help you.
NEVER worry about telling an adult if something is worrying you, even if you have done something wrong or embarrassing.
Do not be tempted to retaliate or join in. Save the messages and TELL an adult.
With the help of an adult, you can block the user.
Make a report. The adult you tell in school will make a report about what has happened.
If you are at home, with the help of an adult you can make a report to particular websites if you're feeling worried about what you've seen.
If you see this CEOP button on a website, you can click it to make a report.
If you're still worried, you can ring Childline for free:
0800 1111
There is always someone who can help, but you need to TELL an adult first.
A parent’s guide to being social online this December (
How you can help children stay safer online over the winter break and beyond! (
A fairytale for the digital age | Vodafone Digital Parenting