Family Learning
Parent Support Adviser
Hello, my name is Jayne Austin and I am the Parent Support Adviser here at St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School.
I am here to offer help, advice and support no matter how small or great to all parents/carers of children who attend our school.
Parent Support Advisers are a bridge between home and school. I aim to support families so that children are able to feel safe, enjoy and achieve here at St Robert Bellarmine and families feel welcomed into our community.
What's on offer at School?
I offer a confidential, impartial and friendly service. Please feel free to give me a call, drop in or contact me via the school office. I will support you in any way I can and would be delighted to speak to you.
We are going to be running some great courses in the new year. If you would like any further information, please contact me or alternatively, if there is a course you would like to be held at school, please contact me and I will see what we can arrange.