Collective Worship at St Robert Bellarmine
“We are God’s work of art.”
Collective Worship in our school respects the diversity of belief and commitment, but it is Catholic in character, reflecting in the liturgical tradition of the Church and having Christ at its heart.
The aim of collective worship at St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School is best characterised by the above statements. We seek to provide opportunities, formally and informally, for pupils, staff and sometimes parents, to worship together. Pupils are encouraged to participate and respond, either actively in the presentation of worship or by listening and joining in the celebration.
All pupils celebrate an act of collective worship each day. Generally, there will be two occasions each week when larger groups, usually whole school, will gather together to worship.
Collective worship normally takes place in various areas throughout the school, but occasionally, for specific reasons, children gather in St Robert Bellarmine Church or our dedicated Prayer Garden to celebrate.
There are timetabled opportunities for classes to celebrate a class assembly on a chosen theme which is presented to children, staff and parents throughout the year. We look forward to inviting our school community to worship with us each year.
Collective Worship in our school provides opportunities for learners and staff to come together to worship God.
Our Collective Champions lead our school in Collective Worship. They meet to plan our worships and share God's word with our school.