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Geography in EYFS

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework is designed to prepare children for their transition to Year 1. The EYFS is designed to support children's individual needs and interests, which helps to ensure that they are well-equipped to succeed in Year 1 and beyond.

Development Matters



Know that there are different countries in the world and talk about the differences they have experienced or seen in photos.



Draw information from a simple map.


Recognise some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.


Explore the natural world around them.

Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.

People and Places

Describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observations, discussions, stories, non-fiction texts and maps.


Explain some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read to them in class.


The Natural World

Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants.


Know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments. Drawing on their experiences and what has been read to them in class.


Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matters

Locational knowledge

Relevant ELG

ELG: The natural world

  • Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals

KS1 Readiness Objectives

  • Know where they live
  • Know how they travel to school


Knowledge of places

Relevant ELG

ELG: The natural world

  • Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals

KS1 Readiness Objectives


  • Talk about some of the differences they notice when they are in different places 
  • Talk about places when looking at books and watching tv/videos
  • Talking about places they have been to
  • Talk about places in stories
  • Using language that relates to place


Human and Physical geographical knowledge

Relevant ELG

ELG: People, culture and communities

  • Describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, stories, non-fiction texts and maps

KS1 Readiness Objectives

  • Recognise elements of their environment that are manmade and natural

Using maps

Relevant ELG

ELG: People, culture and communities

  • Describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, stories, non-fiction texts and maps

KS1 Readiness Objectives

  • Make maps from stories
  • Follow simple maps in play