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Message from Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson

Hello Year 6,


We hope you and your families are all safe and well and have managed to have a lovely Easter break with lots of chocolate!


We would like to say another huge thank you for working so hard at home and to your parents for their continued support and help – we really do appreciate it!


We have been working on your next home school pack of activities and have decided to arrange it more  clearly so that it is easier for you to access. We have attached a timetable so that you can organise your work and to help you plan out your week but it is only a suggestion so please do whatever works best for you and your family.  Remember to take some time out to relax and spend quality time with your family as this is really important.


The activities for this week include Philosophy questions, Maths 4-a-day, Captain Conjecture, Mission Impossible, English, Science, Music, Art, PE, Geography and Computing. In addition, I have also added some extra activities that you might like to complete.


Remember that we find some subjects easy and others harder so please just try your best with the work that has been set. You may, at times, find that you are stuck when trying to answer questions but please remember the strategies that we use in class. We always tell you that it is good to make mistakes as that is how we learn – so don’t forget that! You can always ask an adult to support you too.


I know that many of you will have been reading each day and it is important to keep up with this. Remember, you can complete a review once you have finished reading your book or keep a list of the books you have read whilst at home. We look forward to you sharing these with us.  


For Maths this week, we have chosen to focus on Ratio and Proportion. This is a topic that we started just before school had to close so we thought it would be a good idea to consolidate learning on that area this week. The website for your daily lessons is on your timetable and it is important that you access this site as it has a short video clip and explanation to help with the activity each day. I have attached the activity sheets for each day onto our class page but again, these can be found on the website next to the video clip.


Your  4-a-day will allow you to consolidate work that you have already covered  in class to ensure previous learning is kept ‘bubbling’ and as always, the Captain Conjecture work will  focus on reasoning questions. I have attached one ‘Mission Impossible’ based on fractions and another on percentages.


We have signed up to a newspaper called First News, which is really informative. You will notice that some of your English activities this week are based around this – we hope you enjoy working on them!


Your weekly spellings can also be found attached. You know which group you are in so you can therefore access the relevant spelling list. I know that some of you like to try both lists and that is absolutely fine. You will see that I have also added five words from the statutory spelling list so this will enable you to revise other key words too.


If you would like to print out some or all of the activity sheets and complete these that is fine but we do not want this to be an added expense so if you would prefer to access work off the screen and complete this in your workbook that is absolutely fine too. Please just remember to give your work a title and number it so that we know what it is you are completing.


Please tweet any work that you are proud of. We would love to see what you have been working on at home. Don’t forget to use @stbellarmine and #Y6SRB.


We really miss you all so much. Thank you all once again for working hard.


Take care and stay safe.


Lots of love,

Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson 


