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Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,


We hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and well. We cannot believe that this is week 13 of home schooling and want you to know that we are really grateful for all that you are continuing to do as we know that it isn’t easy.


Thank you once again to those of you who have been in touch with us on our class email. Please remember to email us if you have any questions or would like to share your child’s work. Many thanks to those of you who have emailed the photograph and video clip of your child for the video that we are making.


You will see this week that the children have been given important transition activities to complete. We have set out a section which explains this in more detail. You will also see a link to a page that we have created which offers more support for both yourself and your child in moving from primary to secondary school. We would be grateful if you could access this page and read though it with your child and ensure that they use the support materials over the next few weeks.


The children have been set their annual Healthy Pudding Challenge as part of their DT work this week and although we cannot taste their creations this year we hope that they enjoy making and tasting them at home. Please tweet or email us photographs of their work if you can.


We have also provided the children with their next PSHE toolkit which is based on resilience. We would be really grateful if you could support your child when completing the activities please.


We would like to remind you that the closing date for the local RE competition is Friday 10th July. Please email your child’s completed work to our class email if they are taking part.


As always, we would like to finish by saying a huge thank you for everything you are doing at home in supporting your child in their learning, we really appreciate your continued support. 


Take care and stay safe.


Love Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson xx
