Your focus will be on fractions again. You are going to complete some Quick Checks as well to recap on the fraction work from before half term. These should only take about 15-20 minutes to complete each day.
Once you have completed your daily Quick Check, you then need to complete the fractions work online.
Click on the link -
This will take you to WhiteRose Home Learning.
Make sure you are on the Year 3 page for home learning.
Scroll down to the box that says: Week 2
I know there is a box with Summer Term – Week 6 (w/c 1st June) with some of the same videos and activities on different days, but ignore this because there is work on decimals that we aren’t going to work on yet.
Watch each of the lessons and then complete each of the daily activities below.
Times Tables Test
Use this link to complete your weekly times tables test. You can use this as much as you like and set your own tables. I would suggest starting with 2, 5 and 10 before moving on to your 3,4 and 8 times tables.
Please email me your scores!