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Message from Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson

Hello Year 6,


How are you all? We hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and well.  We cannot believe that we have reached the final week of the term! We know that the last few months haven’t been easy but we want to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and resilience and for continuing to work to the best of your abilities. We are so proud of you all for what you have achieved during lockdown!


You will see that we haven’t set you your usual work such as maths and English this week and there isn’t a suggested timetable either. This is because during this time of year, our work is mainly based on transition and helping to prepare you for your new schools. As you know, due to recent events, your transition period has been a lot different than the one we anticipated. However, we hope that the work set last week, along with the activities in the ‘Transition’ section of your weekly work this week, will provide additional support and allow you to look ahead to the future.


In addition to the work on transition, you will see that there are different quizzes for you to take part in as well as the weekly materials such as First News, Picture News and mindfulness activities. Mrs Liggat has also set you some sporting challenges that we know you will enjoy. Therefore, as long as you complete the three transition activity mats this week, you are free to choose from the other activities provided.


We are really looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday afternoon for our special Collective Worship in our socially distanced bubbles. This will give us the opportunity to say goodbye and to provide you with some memorabilia from your time in our school.


Children, each one of you is very special to us and we are so proud to have been a part of your school journey. You have all grown into lovely young children and we know that you will continue to flourish as you move to your secondary schools. Your new teachers are so lucky to be able to welcome such hardworking and dedicated individuals and we will miss you all so much.


We are going to save the rest of what we would like to say to you until Wednesday so for now, take care and stay safe.


See you all very soon!


Lots of love,

Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson xx
