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Message from Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson

Hello Year 6,


How are you all? We hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and well.  We continue to miss you all but want to thank you once again for your fantastic efforts whilst at home. We hope that you managed to enjoy some of the lovely weather this week.


The activities for this week include Philosophy questions, Maths, 4-a-Day, Problems of the Day, SPAG, English, RE, PSHE, Spanish, Science and Art. Like we always say, you may choose some activities as opposed to others and spend longer completing these and this is absolutely fine. Remember to take time out of your day to relax or complete the mindfulness activities too.


You will see that we have uploaded another PSHE toolkit this week to support your health and well-being and we hope that these resources are useful for you.


We hope that you enjoyed taking part in the Rainbow Games last week. Don’t forget to email us your completed score card and we will send you your certificate. We’d also love to see some of your photographs and hear about which event was your favourite so you can always email us to let us know!


We would also like to remind you once again that you have the RE competition to enter should you wish to do so. We look forward to receiving your entries by Friday 10th July for your chance to win a £10 voucher in our local competition and £25 in the overall national competition.        


Thank you once again for your tweets, we really enjoy seeing them. Please continue to try to tweet any work that you are proud of. Don’t forget to use the handle @StBellarmine and #Y6SRB.


Once again, thank you all so much for working hard and don't forget to say a huge thank you to your parents who are doing a wonderful job supporting you, we really appreciate it.


Take care and stay safe.


Lots of love,

Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson xx
