Welcome to Nursery
Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
Miss Haughey, Mrs Coyle and Mrs Briant welcome you to our website!
We will be adding lots of information and pictures throughout the year to share many of our exciting activities, special events and ‘wow’ moments of learning.
General Information
School doors open from 8:55am, please try to be prompt!
Snack money can be paid each week or for the half term, at £1.00 per week.
Please also make sure that all of your child’s uniform and spare clothes (including shoes) have their full names in.
Wednesday 25th May- Queens Platinum Jubilee Garden Party (am) and End of Term
Monday 6th June- Return back to Nursery
Friday 1st June- Infants Sports Day (pm)
Friday 17th June- Croxteth Park Farm Trip
Friday 8th July- Nursery finishes at 1:15pm and Summer Fair (pm)
Tuesday 19th July- End of Term- 1:30pm Finish
Christmas Party Day
Christmas Jumper Day and Santa Dash
Christmas Crafts
We had a brilliantly creative day producing a lot of fabulous Christmas crafts. We made salt dough Christmas tree decorations, reindeer cards and Rudolph headbands. In addition to these wonderful decorative pieces we also made some tasty Christmas treats with marshmallow snowmen and gingerbread men.
Christmas Maths
The children have loved their maths challenges this week and worked so hard to apply their learning since the start of the year to explore repeated patterns and engage in problem solving to find all the possibilities. Firstly they worked systematically to find all the different ways of decorating the different coloured stockings with different coloured baubles, then they used their own marks to record this symbolically. Later in the week they also designed a range of repeated patterns to decorate their bauble templates, some children even challenged themselves to create 3 colour repeats.
Imagine That Trip
We had so much fun at our fabulous trip to Imagine That. It was such a busy day because we had so many different activities planned including: making slime, doing an experiment to create never freezing snow and creating an erupting volcano! On top of all of that we had chance to play in the amazing role-play areas and went for being a vet to a chef in the blink of an eye!
Trashion Show
Thank you to everyone's involvement at home, the final products whether that be a bag, t-shirt or cape looked incredible! We are so appreciative of the time, effort and creativity that has gone into making these wonderful designs by recycling old clothes. To celebrate we had our very own Nursery catwalk, complete with music, lights and beautiful little models! Enjoy looking at some of their poses below...
Dreamcatcher - Design and Technology Focus
To begin the class explored pictures showing different styles of dreamcatchers in groups. They identified the shape, colours and decoration featured on the different dreamcatchers before evaluating one thing they liked and what they would change to make it even better. All the children could confidently identify the range of features from the pictures, some then benefitted from the support of their friends when discussing the strengths and changes they would make to the dreamcatchers. Afterwards they carefully listened to the instructions for how to make their own versions, every child independently used the hole puncher to make the holes and from this they developed their fine motor control when threading to create a web design in the middle of the circle and during the bead threading for the decoration. To encourage their language development, the class also completed a ‘Making fun’ design sheet and they then shared this with the group using language of ‘first’ and ‘next’ to explain their design process.
Shape Hunt
Today we had such an exciting time exploring different 2D shapes that we could find around the classroom. We learnt that a 2D shape is flat and that this means you cannot pick it up. We tried to find examples of circles, triangles, squares, oblongs, straight lines and curved lines. We even found 3D shapes around the class and discovered that when you take a picture it becomes 2D!
Autumn Craft: Making Nests
After reading 'Hoot and Honk Just Can't Sleep' by Leslie Helakoski, the class have been exploring a range of nocturnal animals and their habitats. Based on this story we considered the criteria for building a good nest. We decided it should let the water through (so the birds don't get wet), be strong (so it doesn't blow away) and be comfy (so the birds can sleep). After this the children used a variety of natural and craft materials to design and build their nests. At the end they shared and evaluated their designs to the rest of the group by using the 'Sharing Your Learning' prompt.
Children in Need 2021
Thank you for your very generous donations!
STEM Activity - Jumping Leaves
For this STEM activity the class were shown in the previous week how to create static energy by rubbing the balloons on their clothing or hair and from this we explored how well a range of leaves made out of different materials would cling to the balloon. During their independent exploration in continuous provision, they were so enthused at the challenge of working out which material would ‘stick’ the easiest onto the balloon. The class were able to apply prior learning to make some initial predictions about which materials they thought the balloon would grab the easiest and which materials would not attach easily to the balloon. From this they tested a range of materials and began to use some language of material properties to describe what they had observed using words such as bumpy, soft and heavy.
Remembrance Day 2021
In Nursery we made beautiful poppies to decorate our Collective worship table ready for our worship. During the worship we watched a very special video called 'Poppies' from the Cbeebies website and this helped us to understand how the brave soldiers must have felt during and after the war.
Autumn Themed Maths - Pattern
This week's maths activities were built around the use of natural autumnal resources. For one activity the children were challenged to make a repeating pattern using the concrete resources and from this they began to explore how they could symbolically record their pattern by using their own marks.
Acting out a Baptism
We have been learning lots of new words related to baptism and to bring this to life we acted out a baptism in different groups. The children have been learning about the font, holy water, godparents and the baptism candle. They were especially excited to learn they joined God's special family after a baptism.
Say NO to Racism
In Nursery we came together today to say no to racism and show it the red card by wearing red or blue.
Finding all possibilities - Problem Solving
After reading all about Mr Panda and his wonderfully colourful doughnuts, we had our first try in Nursery at some problem solving! We talked about how each of our possibilities had to be different, so we tried to remember to keep one thing the same and change only one thing at a time. We worked very hard to find all the possible ways of decorating the biscuits using 2 choices of colours for both the icing and sprinkles.
Making ghosts and thinking about their emotions
The children were enthusiastic and engaged when listening to the instructions for how to make the ghost model. Afterwards most children could follow each instruction carefully with some just needing some support when cutting and mark making to gain greater control. When exploring a range of ghost expressions, the class were able to identify which one was sad or happy and they were interested in learning new words such as exhausted, surprised and miserable.
Sponsored Fun Run
Thank you for all your support in raising money to buy more amazing books for our class library, the class absolutely loved dressing up as their favourite book characters today!
Role-playing How to Look After a Baby for our RE Welcome Topic
Maths - sorting socks by size
To apply their skills in ordering and classifying objects by size, today the class were set a challenge to organise the socks by size and if possible into matching pairs too. Along the way the children gained precision in how to measure the socks and confidence in using language of small, medium, big, long and short to talk about their ideas.
#Hello Yellow - Mental Health Day 2021
In school today we have been raising awareness for young people's mental health through wearing yellow to support the Young Minds charity. We thought lots in Nursery about how we can brighten everyone else's day by doing something little to make others smile!
Repeating Patterns - Making a round doughnut AB pattern for Mr Panda
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Continuous Provision Challenges
As part of their continuous provision challenges this week, the children were given the option to make a 'Keep Out' sign to make sure Goldilocks stayed out of our new Three Bears' cottage role-play area and they were also challenged to make a chair in the lego area that would fit the three different sized bears.
Steve Antony Author Study
In English we have started looking at the fabulous author Steve Antony and started with the book 'I'll Wait, Mr Panda'. This book has taught us about how to us our manners and be patient when waiting for a surprise. We have really enjoyed the characters and particularly liked seeing the HUGE surprise doughnut at the end!! As part of this author study so far we have made paper plate panda faces and decorated doughnuts with paint and collage materials.
Lexie: I like pink strawberry doughnuts with glittery sprinkles
Eira-Rose: I like blueberry flavour doughnuts and my favourite would be juicy and fruity
Sullivan: I like a red strawberry doughnut and crunchy sprinkles
As part of the author study we have also read the book 'Thank you, Mr Panda'. We learnt more about the importance of good manners and how using manners makes other people feel. We tried to make Mr Panda feel better after all the animals forgot to say thank you by making him a special hat present. We worked hard to cut with increasing control and use mark making and collage materials to decorate the present.
Maths - Sorting between big and small
In Nursery we have been investigating the language of size and this has come about through reading 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. After looking and comparing different concrete objects to say which was bigger and smaller, we began to categorise pictures from the story onto the tchart. The children then applied this understanding to their own families to draw each member of their family from the biggest to the smallest. They worked hard to gain accuracy in their mark making to ensure each family member was a different size and they began to use language of medium.
Joel: I put all the big ones together and all the little ones went together over that side
Ella: This bowl is so big that it goes with all of the big things
Repeating Pattern Challenge
Nursery were set a very special challenge today by the 3 Bears to design a wallpaper with repeating pattern ready to decorate our new 3 Bears' Cottage role-play area.
Ourselves - Expressions
During our first Nursery topic 'Ourselves' we have been exploring the different feelings we may experience. Through reading lots of stories we have introduced the Zones of Regulation, which helps us to recognise how we feel and we can now use the zones to talk to others about our emotions. We have really enjoyed experimenting with different emotions during circle time to play 'Guess the Expression'. As part of recognising our emotions we have also been using the playdough to form a range of facial expressions and share a time we have felt like this.
Miya: Santa makes me happy because I like getting presents
Lucy: Painting makes me happy because I like painting rainbows
Ella: Ghosts make me sad because they go "whooo"
Mission Statement Display
In Nursery we have been exploring the book 'We're All Works of Art' by Mark Sperring and from this we have produced some beautiful collages. In Mark's words "We are proud of our uniqueness."