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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

We are God’s work of art

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Welcome to Nursery


Let all that you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14


Miss Haughey and Mrs Coyle welcome you to our website page!


We will be adding lots of information and pictures throughout the year to share many of our exciting activities, special events and ‘wow’ moments of learning.


General Information


School doors open from 8:55am, please try to be prompt!


Snack money can be paid each week or for the half term, at £1.00 per week. 


Please also make sure that all of your child’s uniform and spare clothes (including shoes) have their full names in.

Summer 1

Wednesday 17th April: Nursery Play in a Day - Mini beasts

Wednesday 17th April: Mini Marathon - Say No to Knife Crime

Monday 6th May: Bank Holiday

Friday 24th May: EYFS Stay and Share @9am

Friday 24th May: Non-uniform day (Bottles)

Friday 24th May: School finishes for half term at 3.00pm


Summer 2

Monday 3rd June: Return to school

Wednesday 5th June: Croxteth Farm Trip

Monday 17th - Friday 28th June: Healthy and Active fortnight

Friday 21st June: Fun Run

Friday 28th June: Sports Day 1pm

Monday 1st July: New Reception Intake Meeting @2pm

Friday 5th July: Non Uniform day (Toys)

Friday 12th July: Summer Fair @1.15pm

Friday 19th July: School finishes for the year @1.30pm

Spring Term

Dates for your Diary!


 Friday 26th January – Non-uniform day unwanted gifts

 Friday 2nd February – Inside out mental health day

Friday 9th February – EYFS Stay and Share

Friday 9th h February – School finishes for half term at 3:00pm

Tuesday 20th February – Return to school

Thursday 4th March – Pupil Progress meetings

Friday 8th March – Non-uniform day ( chocolate)

Friday 15th March – Comic Relief – Mad Hair Day

Thursday 28th March – Easter Bonnets/Raffle

Thursday 28th March – EYFS Stay and Share

Thursday 28th March-End of term– 1:30pm finish

Monday 15th April – Return to school

For more detailed information about each curriculum subject please refer to the appropriate tab on the Curriculum page.

Autumn Term

Dates for your Diary


Autumn 1

Friday 15th September: Mass for feast of SRB

Friday 15th September: School Mission Day

Friday 22nd September: Grandparent Day

Wednesday 27th September: Nursery Welcome Meeting @9am

Friday 6th October: Macmillan Coffee Morning

Monday 9th October: Online safety meeting for parents (3pm)

Friday 13th October: Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts)

Monday 16th October: Pupil progress meeting

Friday 20th October: Stay and Share - Magic Moment morning

Friday 20th October: Non-uniform day (wearing red or blue to say NO to racism)

Friday 20th October: School closes for half-term (3pm)



Autumn 2

Monday 30th October: Friendship Week

Friday 3rd October: non-uniform day (chocolates)

Friday 17th November: Children in Need (pyjama day)

Friday 1st December: non-uniform day (bottles)

Friday 8th December: Stay and Share - Magic Moment morning

Tuesday 12th December: Nursery and reception Nativity @10am

Friday 15th December:  Christmas Fayre (1:15 pm)

Thursday 21st December: Christmas jumper day

Friday 22nd December: Christmas disco

Friday 22nd December: Term finishes @ 1:30pm


* please note: some of these dates may be subject to change

Farm Shop is NOW OPEN!! Fresh Fruit and Vegetables for Sale!!

Hunting for treasure in the Enchanted Forest using the Metal Detectors

Croxteth Farm Trip

Superheroes to the Rescue!

Nursery making Tomato Soup for Snack- Delicious!!

Enjoying the rain at the Enchanted Forest

Exploring Minibeasts

Printing in the style of Romero Britto

Enchanted Forest

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Role

Porridge Tasting!

Learning about Colours
