This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Welcome to Mrs Liggat's and Mrs Oldfield's Reception Class. On this web page we will be putting lots of information and photographs about all the exciting things we have been doing in our class throughout the year.
Academic Year 2016-2017
Here is some useful information for the term ahead:
Our school day begins at 8.55am each morning, please try to have the children on the playground for when the bell goes so the children can walk into class with their friends.
Our day finishes at 3.00pm and the Reception children will leave through the Nursery gate.
Your child will be given a book bag when they start school and this needs to be brought into school each day.
Each day the children will have a snack and the weekly charge for this is £1.00. We ask that this is paid to a member of the Reception staff each Monday morning.
We do P.E. on a Monday morning and we ask that the children have a labelled P.E. kit that is left in school. Our P.E. kit consists of a pair of dark shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps. Please ensure that this is in a named draw string bag.
In the next few weeks, some of the children will start to bring home words they need to learn to sound out and read. These words will be stuck in the children's reading record books. When we feel your child is ready they will bring home a reading book. For some children they will bring home a book with no words and we ask you to use the prompt sheets to share the book with your children. Other children will bring home books with words. The children will need to be encouraged to sound out and blend the words in order to help them read the text.
When your child has finished reading each day, please make a short comment in the Reading Record book and then we know that they have read and their reading book will be changed.
Reading books are changed at least once a week providing the Reading Record book has been signed.
Each morning, except Friday, the children complete a Letters and Sounds session, where they learn sounds and how to use them in their reading and in their writing. At the end of each 1/2 term the children will bring home a list of the sounds they have been learning and some examples of words that contain these sounds. Please work through these sounds with your child to help consolidate their learning.
At this stage we encourage the children to mark make as much as possible. This may take the form of drawing shapes, writing letters from their name and then eventually writing their first name and short words independently.
We encourage the fingers to hold a pencil correctly and we put a great deal of emphasis on correct letter formation.The children need to hold their pencil with just their thumb and forefinger - a pincer grip. (For help on this, please feel free to ask a member of staff.)
Our News, Your News Books
Each child has an Our News, Your News book which is to be backed at home to make it very personal to them. Please check your child's book bag to see if it is in there. If it is, a letter has been put in about our new theme with suggestions of some activities you may wish to undertake at home.
Magic Moments
Each half term we have a 'Stay and Share' session, usually a Friday morning at 9am. At this session we ask if you can stay with your child and read out their Magic Moment card. These cards are then placed on our Magic Moment cloud for the children and other visitors to see. Please keep an eye out for the Magic Moment card and an accompanying letter explaining exactly what we are looking for this half term. Please try to attend these sessions as the children really do love to have you there as they share their news with their friends.