Hi Year 3,
It was so lovely to speak to you this week! I loved hearing about all the fun things you have been doing with your families while you’ve been at home.
I have been loving the emails you are all sending over showing off the great work you’re all doing! You are working so hard and making me feel incredibly proud.
Keep working on the following apps/websites to help you with remembering information from Year 3:
Remember that you need to send me one piece of work each week to the email – Y3@strobertbellarmine.co.uk. It’s a great way for us to stay in touch and I love seeing what you’re up to. You can also just send an email to say hello or ask any questions about the work I have put on the class page.
I have included a kindness challenge for you all to try and complete this week. I suggest picking three kind acts. I am going to smile at everyone I see, let someone go ahead of me in the line when I go shopping and compliment five people in school. This will make me feel good, but more importantly it will brighten the days of other people! Email me and let me know what you decided to do!
Stay safe everyone!
Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride xx