Hi Year 3,
I hope you have all had another lovely week at home! Only two more weeks until the summer holidays and you can all take a well deserved break from the work you have been doing.
I have been loving the emails you are all sending over showing off the great work you’re all doing! You are working so hard and making me feel incredibly proud. I would love to know how you are all doing with the work I’m setting each week so please tell me if you found something really easy or really hard by emailing me.
Keep working on the following apps/websites to help you with remembering information from Year 3:
Remember that you need to send me one piece of work each week to the email – Y3@strobertbellarmine.co.uk. It’s a great way for us to stay in touch and I love seeing what you’re up to. You can also just send an email to say hello or ask any questions about the work I have put on the class page.
Thank you to the children who shared their score cards and pictures of yourselves taking part in the Rainbow Games – I hope you liked your certificate! Remember it isn’t too late to send me your score card over for a certificate!
I hope you have been keeping busy with a 30-day fitness challenge that you can easily do at home. It is very important to do a little bit of exercise each day and I know sometimes this can be hard to squeeze in when you’re busy with home learning, playing Fortnite or Minecraft and making TikTok videos! Hopefully this challenge will be a fun way for you to keep active while you’re at home!
You may remember a few weeks ago, I sent out some info from Mrs McQuiggan about the RE competition that all the children can take part in. The competition closes this week and I would love for all of Year 3 to be in with a chance to win a prize. I have attached the information to the class page again in the RE section if you want to take a look.
Stay safe everyone!
Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride xx