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Week 4 - 27.04.20



Hi Year 3, 


Another week at home has passed by already. I hope you and your families are all keeping safe. I’m thinking of you all and missing you so much! I really wish we were all back in school and starting our days with four-a-day and finishing them with a Daily 10 quiz. I’ve been trying to get my dog Alfie to do some work, but he won’t sit still or try any four-a-day questions, so I have no one to teach! I hope you have been keeping busy with the work from last week and enjoyed doing it. 


Thank you for all the great tweets you have been sending. I love seeing your updates although I do really wish we could all be in school together! Do keep sending in your tweets, even if it is just to say hello! I loved seeing the tweets of everyone completing their Keepy Up challenge. If you would like to try some other fun PE activities, have a look at the PE subject page as Mrs Liggat has added some videos from Community Soccer! 


I am so sorry that we aren’t going to get to go to CHET this week everyone! Mrs McBride and I were so looking forward to it with you all and I know you were too. We just need to remember that our safety is the most important thing now and there will be more opportunities for trips when we’re all back to school! CHET’s Got Talent would have been this Thursday night. I think it would be a great idea if you all perform your talent for your families and then share it to Twitter! 


I just want to remind you all again that it is very important to keep working on your times tables. TTRockstars is the best way to do this! You have maths work this week on your 3 times tables and I know you will all find it so easy because of how hard you have worked on these! Reading is also very important so keep checking in to Epic Reading and have a read of the books I have assigned for you. If you want to read the other books on the website, then please do! The more reading you do, the better!  Our class has already read 200 books so keep this up!


Mrs McQuiggan has given you some RE work to start working on this week. There is a letter with it for your parents to explain how to complete this, but it is just the same as how we complete our work in school by starting with Explore. Senorita has also given you some Spanish work to keep your knowledge bubbling. She has also shared some delicious recipes – it would be amazing if you had a go at these and tweeted them so I can see!


Keep trying your best with the work at home and do as much as you can. Don’t give up if you think something is tricky because I know you can all do it! 


Stay safe everyone! 


Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride xx 



