Hi Year 3,
How are you all? I hope you and your families are keeping safe. I can’t believe another week has passed by already! I hope you are not missing school too much! I know you are all working so hard at home so keep this up! I am so proud when I see your tweets and emails showing off your great work.
It was lovely to speak to you and your parents this week! I’m glad you’re all doing so well at home. I will call you again in another few weeks for another update and I’m already looking forward to it.
Remember that you need to send me one piece of work each to the email – Y3@strobertbellarmine.co.uk. It’s a great way for us to stay in touch and I love seeing what you’re up to. You can also just send an email to say hello or ask any questions about the work I have put on the class page.
Keep working on TTRockstars and EpicReading as these are so important! You have maths work this week on your 4 times tables and I know you will all find it so easy because of how hard you have worked on these! Keep working on your other tables too using TTRockstars for at least ten minutes each day.
BBC Bitesize have produced some really good activities and resources too. In case you feel like you want to visit their webpage, I have attached this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zmyxxyc/year-3-and-p4-lessons/1. There are some great recap lessons on the Stone Age this week, which I know you will enjoy!
Stay safe everyone!
Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride xx