Welcome to Year 1: Mrs Davies and Mrs McBride
General Information
Our school day starts with registration at 8.55.
Children need to have their book bag in school every day.
Children can buy a piece of toast for 10p on a Monday and Wednesday breaktime.
Dinner money needs to be paid on a Monday. Please put the money in an envelope with your child's name on it and what it is for.
Children can have a bottle of plain water in class to drink throughout the day.
Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school with every item of clothing labelled.
Children are expected to read with an adult every night and have their reading record book signed.
15 new spellings are sent home every week.
English and Mathematics homework will be sent home on a Friday to be completed and returned to school the following Monday.
Big Talk for Big Write homework will usually be sent home on a Wednesday or Thursday for discussion with your child in preparation for the Big Writing session on the Friday.
Important Dates,Events - Autumn term
Friday 11th September - Mission Day.
Thursday 17th September - PLAY IN A DAY.
We had a great day working with a drama company to produce a small play called POWERFUL PLANTS. This fits in with our Science topic Plants.
Friday 25th September- Year 1 & 2
Trip to Chester Zoo.
Friday 23th October - Break up for half of term
Our busy 1st Half Term
We worked together to create our class display of the school Mission Statements.
Look what we found on our walk to Silcocks.
D T bird houses
Our trip to Chester Zoo
We had a lovely sunny day
D.T Toys .
We made toys that children may have played with a long time ago.