Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead.
1 Peter 1:6
Welcome to Mrs Davies and Mrs Parkes Year 1 Class.
Academic Year 2016-2017
Here is some useful information for the term ahead:
Our school day begins at 8.55am each morning, please try to have the children on the playground for when the bell goes so the children can walk into class with their friends. Our day finishes at 3.00pm.
We do P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon and we ask that the children have a labelled P.E. kit that is left in school. Our P.E. kit consists of a pair of dark shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps. Please ensure that this is in a named draw string bag. If your child wears earrings, could they please be taken out at home on a Wednesday morning thank you.
We ask that you please read with your child each night and sign their reading record book. The day that they read may change weekly so please ensure they have their book bag in school every day.
Toast is on sale every Monday and Wednesday break time at a cost of 10p per slice.
26/05/2017 - Year 1 assembly - Parents invited
26/05/2017 - Non-uniform - Toys
26/05/2017- Finish for half term
05/06/2017 & 12/06/2017 - Healthy and Active Weeks
Week of 12/06/2017 - Year 1 Phonics screening
16/06/2017 - 1pm Fun Run
23/06/2017 - Non-uniform - Bottles
28/06/2017 - Sports Day
30/06/2017 - Year 1 trip to Croxteth Park
14/07/2017 - Summer Fair
20/07/2017 - Finish for Summer 1.30 pm
Important Dates For Your Diary
Monday 31st October: Return to School
Friday 11th November: Friendship/Anti-Bullying Assembly (Presented by Yr1, Yr3 & Yr4)
Friday 18th November: Children in Need Pyjama Day
Friday 2nd December: Non-Uniform Day (chocolates)
Wednesday 14th December: Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Performance 2pm
Friday 16th December: Christmas Fayre, Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dash
Wednesday 21st December: Term Finishes at 1:30pm
Children return to school Monday 9th January 2017 @ 8.55 am.