"Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead."
1 Peter 1:6
Mrs P., Mrs Parkes and Miss Kearney would like to welcome you to our Year 1 class page for 2021-2022. Our aim is to keep you informed of the things that are happening in our class.
Summer 1
Tuesday 26th April: Planetarium visiting school
Wednesday 4th May: Y1 Play in a Day
Friday 20th May: Y1 Assembly
Wednesday 25th May: Non-uniform Day (toys)
Wednesday 25th May: School closes at 3pm for half term
Summer 2
Friday 25th June: Fun Run
Friday 1st July: Sports Day (1pm)
Friday 8th June: Summer Fair
Tuesday 19th July: School closes at 1:30 pm for Summer
Spring 1
Friday 28th January: Non-uniform Day (unwanted gifts)
Tuesday 1st February: Safer Internet Day
Thursday 3rd February: Inside Out Day (Mental Health Awareness)
Friday 11th February: School closes at 3pm for half term
Spring 2
Monday 21st February: School reopens
Thursday 3rd March: World Book Day - wear green
Tuesday 8th March: Pupil Progress Meetings (1-5:30 pm)
Friday 11th March: Non-uniform Day (chocolate)
Friday 18th March: Comic Relief - mad hair day
Friday 1st April: School closes at 1:30 pm for Easter
Autumn 1
Friday 10th September: Mission Day
Friday 17th September: St Robert Bellarmine Feast Day
Friday 1st October: Non-uniform Day (unwanted gifts)
Monday 18th October: Pupil Progress meetings
Wednesday 20th October: Year 1 DT Day
Friday 22nd October: Harvest Festival, wear red and blue for 'say no to racism'.
School closes at 3pm for half term
Autumn 2
Tuesday 2nd November: School reopens
Friday 12th November: Friendship assembly
Friday 19th November: Children in Need Day
Monday 22nd November: DT Textiles Week
Friday 26th November: Non-uniform day (chocolates)
Wednesday 1st December: Trashion Show
Friday 3rd December: Non-uniform day (bottles)
Wednesday 8th December: Christmas Play (pm)
Friday 10th December: Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 17th December: Christmas Fair (from 1pm)
Tuesday 21st December: Christmas party.
School closes for Christmas at 1:30pm
The children have enjoyed taking part in a variety of Christmas activities including: Santa Dash, Christmas crafts, Christmas party, watching a pantomime, visiting our grotto and even dancing with Santa! It has been a fun-filled time and we have enjoyed watching the children's excited faces during the activities.
As the end of the term has now arrived, we would like to wish you all a happy and holy Christmas.
During our DT lessons, the children have worked hard to design and make their own felt fish. We used the book 'The Rainbow Fish' as inspiration for our work.
First, as a class we evaluated existing products and discussed their strengths and weaknesses so that we knew what we needed in order to create a successful product. Next, the children developed their cutting skills before learning how to sew using a running stitch. Then it was time to design the fish and the children had to think carefully about their design criteria, using all of the information they had gathered so far. After that, it was time to actually make the fish and the children excitedly used their new skills to make excellent products. Everyone worked so hard and the children loved decorating their products to make them nice and colourful. Finally, the children evaluated their own products before having the chance to evaluate other children's work.
We are so proud of all of the children!
In art, the children have been learning about the painting 'The Starry Night' by Vincent van Gogh. Firstly, they used pencil to create the artwork in his style before moving on to using oil pastels. We were so impressed with the children's skills and they looked carefully at at the image to ensure they used the correct colours, tones and shades. We can't wait to use paint to create the picture next week!
Year 1 enjoyed a lovely visit from the school nurse who spoke to the class about the importance of dental health. The children learnt about why they should visit the dentist and how often they should brush their teeth. They also talked about what happens if you don't look after your teeth! The children all agreed that it was so important to keep our teeth clean!
The children had a fantastic time strutting their stuff on the catwalk at our annual Trashion Show. We were really impressed with their creativity and recycling skills and they all looked wonderful in their upcycled clothing. We also discussed the importance of reusing and recycling old clothes so that we can all play our part in helping the environment.
Year 1 enjoyed wearing their pyjamas to help raise money for Children in Need. A huge thank you to all our families for your generosity.
The class also took part in a special Collective Worship and we prayed for those children who are less fortunate than ourselves. The children demonstrated reverence and respect during our worship.
In RE, we have been learning about Judaism. As part of our lesson, a special visitor came into our class to talk to the children about the Jewish faith. A huge thank you to Michelle for bringing in artefacts and teaching the children about Abraham and Moses.
In maths, the children worked in pairs to find number bonds to 10. They used the numicon to prove this and worked systematically to ensure that they found all of the possibilities.
The children enjoyed developing their speaking and listening skills during our English lesson this week. They got into character role and acted out the story of Lost and Found, by Oliver Jeffers. We were impressed by their acting skills and the children loved watching each other perform.
Year 1 wore odd socks to support anti-bullying week. We linked this to the work that we have carried out during 'friendship fortnight'. The children were really mature when discussing this topic.
The children taught us an important message about friendship during their class assembly. This was the first time that they have performed for their families since starting our school and were were so impressed by each one of them. Well done children and a huge thank you to your families for their continued support.
The children really enjoyed using a range of concrete resources to create their own 'Part-Whole' model museum. Their task was to work with their partner and create some examples that were correct and some that were incorrect. The children then visited other museums and had to identify which ones were right and which were wrong. The children could confidently explain why certain Part-Whole models were incorrect and could even explain what to do to make them correct. Well done children!
We held a special Collective Worship for harvest and to thank God for everything we have. Thank you to Year 3 for preparing this for us and a huge thank you to our parents for their generous donations.
Year 1 gave racism the red (or blue) card! We talked about how some people are treated unfairly because of the colour of their skin and the children explained that this is wrong and that we should all be treated equally. We all know how important it is to stand up and say no to racism.
The children enjoyed making pivots and sliders in their DT session based on the book 'Room on the Broom'. We had a brilliant morning and the children developed lots of skills!
The children looked lovely dressed up as their favourite book characters for our sponsored fun run. Before taking to the track, they enjoyed listening to their friends talk about why they had chosen their character and thought carefully about what questions they wanted to ask them.
All children enjoyed completing the run and really impressed us. Afterwards, they cheered on Year 2 and also enjoyed dancing to the music. We had a great morning. Well done children!
As as school, we took part in #Hello Yellow Day in order to raise awareness of how important it is to look after our mental health. In our English session, the children explored a range of emotions through listening to the story 'Feelings' by Libby Walden. They were able to answer a range of questions on this topic and linked them to how we can improve our mental health and how we can support those who might need help.
The children also enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities throughout the day. These included going on a scavenger hunt around our class for yellow items, making props for our 'photo booth', designing a superhero that would help make people smile when they were feeling down and illustrating ways in which we could help our family and friends if they were sad. Well done Year 1, we all had a great day!
During our maths lessons, the children have been learning about ordering groups of objects to 10. They thought carefully about the language that is associated with this and enjoyed working with their partner to show examples using a range of concrete resources. Once they had finished, they reflected on their own work, along the work of their friends, and were able to give great feedback. Well done Year 1!
The children really enjoyed reading the book, Oi Dog! by Kes and Claire Grey during their English lessons. They worked really hard to develop their inference skills when answering questions about the text. They were even able to link some answers to the work we have carried out previously on Zones of Regulation. Well done children, we were really impressed!
The children really enjoyed completing a mile a day - some wanted to continue and complete more!
The children worked really hard in pairs to create a special maths museum to demonstrate their understanding of the key vocabulary associated with 'more than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. They thought carefully about how they could represent these for numbers up to 10.
Once the children had created their museums, they enjoyed visiting other museums and were able to give great feedback to their friends.
Year 1, along with the rest of the school, held a cake sale to raise money for Macmillan. Thank you boys and girls for your very generous donations!
We also held a special Collective Worship to pray for people who need support and to thank those who look after the sick and provide support to their families.
In maths, the children have been learning about one-to-one correspondence and used concrete resources to create their own maths museum. They enjoyed working in pairs to demonstrate their understanding of this concept and even included some 'red herrings'. When they had completed their task, they discussed what they could see when visiting other museums and enjoyed finding the 'red herrings' that their friends had included.