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Year 1



Welcome to Year 1: Mrs Davies sad and Mrs McBride cheeky 






General Information

Our school day starts with registration at 8.55.

Children need to have their book bag in school every day.

Children can buy a piece of toast for 10p on a Monday and Wednesday breaktime.

Dinner money needs to be paid on a Monday. Please put the money in an envelope with your child's name on it and what it is for.

Children can have a bottle of plain water in class to drink throughout the day.

Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school with every item of clothing labelled.



Children are expected to read with an adult every night and have their reading record book signed.

15 new spellings are sent home every week. 

Literacy and Numeracy homework will be sent home on a Friday to be completed and returned to school the following Monday.

Big Talk for Big Write homework will usually be sent home on a Wednesday or Thursday for discussion with your child in preparation for the Big Writing session on the Friday.

Newsletter Year 1 Autumn term

Yr1 Newsletter Summer 2015

Welcome to Year 1 2014-15. We hope you enjoy looking at our class page information and photographs of what we have been doing in school.


Our History topic this half term is 'Why is the Wii more fun than Nan and Grandad's old toys?' To try and find out why this might be true, we invited our Nan's and Grandad's to our class. We thought of lots of questions for them to answer about the types of games and toys they played with when they were our age. They had lots of interesting answers! We spent some time looking at and talking about toys from the past. Then we challenged our Nan's and Grandad's to have a go on our ipads. Some of them even played a football game on the X-Box. We had a really fun afternoon.

At Fun Activities club we spent some time learning to Speed Stack. It was very tricky at first but we are getting much faster at it!

Speed Stacking at Fun Activities After School Club

We had a brilliant Design Technology day where we all made a wheely toy. We followed instructions step by step to complete our toy.

DT day making Wheely Animals

Our trip to Silcocks to see what plants and animals Little Red Riding Hood might find there.

My Maths

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  4. Enjoy the fantastic activities and games!