The school day begins with registration at 8.55 a.m and we really appreciate prompt time-keeping to get the children off to a good start.
Reading books should be brought in daily as we hear pupils read on different days of the week. Please read a little each night with your child and ask them questions about each page as this really helps to develop their understanding of what they have read. It also helps to prepare them for SATS in May. Please also sign the diary as a record of how they got on.
Homework for English, Mathematics and Spellings are given every Friday to be handed in on Monday. We really appreciate you sitting with your child as the homework reinforces what they have been learning in class, handwriting and spelling are also very important to think about.
Children keep their spellings for a week and are tested on Fridays. Some of the spellings will be given in a sentence to check that the children can apply the spellings to their own work.
Dinners are free for all children in year 2. Could you please inform us if your child is changing their choice of dinner on a Monday to help us with ordering lunches.
We have an action packed year planned and we will be posting pictures and information about school trips and activities very soon- so watch this space and enjoy finding out what your children have been up to so far!
Important Dates
22.04.19 - Bank holiday
06.05.19 - Bank holiday
08.05.19 - Plastic recycling challenge
24.05.19 - Non uniform day - toys
24.05.19 - Finish for half term
03.06.19 - Return to school
03.06.19 - Healthy and Active fortnight
10.06.19 - Phonics screening week
14.06.19 - Fun Run
18.06.19 - Class Trip
28.06.19 - Sports Day 10am
05.07.19 - Non uniform day - bottles
12.07.19 - Summer Fair
19.07.19 - Children finish for summer 1.30pm
At the beginning of the year we thought about how we are a democratic society and how our school shows democracy through the school council. We were all given the opportunity to submit an application to become the year 2 representatives for our school council, the school council then shortlisted 4 candidates after reading these. The candidates made a speech to our class, setting out our aims and goals. Our class then had a difficult job. They had to think very carefully about who they thought would be best candidate to represent year 2. We went to the polls where we were all given the opportunity to vote for who we thought would do a great job for our class and school. Our two new councillors were been decided! Good luck to you both.
Speak out, Keep Safe with the NSPCC
We had a visit from Buddy the speech bubble today who is the mascot for the NSPCC Speak out, Keep Safe campaign. This was to make sure children have the knowledge and understanding they need to keep themselves safe.
Mission Day
We start each new year looking carefully at our schools mission statement. We think about what each one means and how we can carry them out in our life in school.
Each week Mercedes takes groups to learn about different aspects of Spanish culture. We all look forward to our turn.
Our school supported the show racism the red card initiative. We thought about what racism meant and what we should do to stop it. We wore red or blue clothes to show our support.
We began our History topic working with Barry from Altru Drama. We learnt and performed Liverpool the Pool of Life. This set the scene giving us information about Liverpools history from King John to the three graces ending with a rousing version of Ferry Cross the Mersey! We all learnt so much! Thank you Barry!
Friendship Week
As part of friendship week Altru Drama came to perform a play called Time to be Different. This taught us that it is ok to be unique and different. We are all important and need to treat every one with respect.
We worked with Steph to make cars that could carry our toys. We began by choosing an appropriate material to make our cars and chose cardboard because it is light, flexible and easy to cut. We made the chassis by bending and gluing pieces of cardboard together, then we cut shapes to make the sides of our car and attached those. We used strips of card to strengthen the front, roof and top. Finally we decorated them in our art lesson.
Odd Sock Thursday!
We all wore odd socks today in support of anti bullying week. It is a chance for us to celebrate that we are all individual and unique!
Children in Need
We had a pyjama day today to support Children in need, we all appreciate how lucky we are and very generously donated money to help those less fortunate. So far our school has raised nearly £360! Thank you so much.
House, Home and Washdays!
We braved the weather on Thursday to visit the Liverpool Maritime Museum to find out what life was like 100 years ago. We found out what it was like at home when we visited the Piermaster's house. We looked at what we use today to wash and clean our clothes compared to in the past. We used real and replica equipment while we were there. We made soap flakes, used tongs for clothes in the dolly tub, used a posser and dolly stick and handled a dolly stick and washboard. We used a mangle to squeeze out extra water before hanging the clothes on a washing line. It was interesting to see how different the irons were 100 years ago and how they had to be heated on the fire before they were used.
Titanic Storytelling
After Christmas we will be learning all about the Titanic and its links to Liverpool so while we were at the Liverpool Maritime Museum we took part in a Titanic storytelling session. We began by sharing what we already knew about the Titanic. We then explored what life was like at that time especially what travel was like and toys in particular. We all then took part in telling the story of Polar the Titanic bear. The story was adapted from an original written by a first class passenger called Daisy Corning Stone Spedden. She survived the fatal voyage with her family and went on to write the story for her son, Douglas. We all played different characters in the story and were shown the actions and words to perform. There were lots of costumes, hats and a toy polar bear for us to use. Through this story we learnt about different aspects of the Titanic and its rescue.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Christmas cheer has been coming thick and fast in Year 2! This week we have performed our play The Inn-spectors to the school, our families and our local pensioners group. The children performed amazingly well and made us all very proud.
Other Faiths
This week we have been learning all about Islam as another faith. We had Layla visit school to explain about Islam, we learnt all about prayer and the five pillars of Islam. We followed this by visiting the Al-Rahma Mosque in Liverpool where we learnt all about what happens in a Mosque and discussed diversity.
The Day the Crayons Quit
For World Book Day the whole school worked on the story The Day the Crayons Quit. In year two we thought about how we can give reasons to support our opinions. We thought about which crayon was the most useful, the least useful, our favourite and our least favourite crayon. We also thought about what would happen if other items decided to quit like his lunchbox or pencil. We wrote letters from their point of view.
Easter Fun!
Thank you so much for the 'eggcellent' creations. The hats and Easter Gardens are amazing. Congratulations to the winners of the Easter competition and our Chocolate Hamper raffle winners. Have a 'cracking' holiday!
We had a whole school challenge to recycle plastic to create windchimes. We were overwhelmed at the response from you all, we had so many beautiful creations. Recycling plastic is very important because plastics make up a huge amount of our waste and take centuries to break down in landfill sites or the ocean. In Britain we throw around 8 billion bottles a year! As you can imagine there are lots of risks to our environment because of this so we need to think about the importance of recycling to prevent these.
Today we took part in a daily mile event. All pupils in Merseyside primary schools were asked to take part to promote the importance of it. #dailymile
Healthy and Active Fortnight
We have got an exciting two weeks ahead of us! We are taking part in lots of different activities to learn about how we can keep ourselves both healthy and active. We are going to try many different sports and have lots of visitors who will give us important information. We can't wait!
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian painter well known for creating portraits made entirely from objects like fruit, vegetables, flowers, fish and books! We have been studying his work and have designed our own portraits using fruit and vegetables and we made fruit and vegetable faces. Can you see the resemblance?
Special Treasures
Today we performed an assembly all about what we treasure and why. We realised that we are all special treasures and we show this by how we act. We used the story of Levi from St Luke's Gospel to demonstrate how we can change how we act to show our treasures to everyone around us.
Oh, I do love to be beside the seaside!
As part of our geography topic we visited Southport. We looked at the physical and human features there and used these to think about why it was a popular holiday destination in the past. We visited Lord Street, the pier and the Botanic Garden.
African Masks
We researched African Masks and used this information to design our own. We thought carefully about the appropriate colours, shapes and patterns to use. It was interesting to discover that the masks were generally symmetrical. When we had completed this we created our own mask using clay. We rolled out the clay and cut out the shape, then we cut out the shapes and patterns we needed to decorate it. It was important that we attached these carefully so that they did not fall off. Once the masks were dry we selected paint to match our designs.
Colomendy Fun Run
We took part in a sponsored fun run to support our Year Six trip to Colomendy. We had lots of fun dressing up to take part and enjoyed running together. Thank you for your generosity!