But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride welcome you to our class page!
General Information
School starts with registration at 8:55am.
Dinner money is to be paid on a Monday and is £10.50 per week.
Spellings will be given on a Monday. Spelling sheets are to be completed each night at home and brought in to school each day. A weekly spelling task will also be given on a Monday to be returned on Wednesday.
Maths and an additional piece of Literacy homework is given on a Friday to be returned on Monday.
This information can also be found in English and Maths homework books.
Please bring book bags in each day with reading books and reading records. Read to an adult each night or take the opportunity to talk about what you're reading.
We ask that pupils read at least 3 times a week, and that you record when they do so in their homework diary.
Pupils can also take home an additional book from our school library. This is a book to enjoy at home and in school - you do not need to record anything related to this book in their homework books.
Children will have PE on a Monday afternoon this term. Please ensure a full school PE uniform is in school for this as well as clothing suitable for all weathers.
Mission Statement
Each of us is a single note, but together we are a masterpiece...
Maths Museums
Polling Day
We democratically voted for our new class council representatives.
Play in a Day
Prehistoric Britain
Ordering Numbers
We ordered a range of numbers from smallest to largest in complete silence - it was a bit of a challenge!
We then reasoned to estimate the number of pages in lots of different books and then ordered these books from smallest to largest based on our estimations.
Stone Age
Communication in Prehistoric Britain.
Healthy Lunch Box Challenge
Well done to all the winners!
Daily Mile
Harvest Festival Assembly
Thank you for all the generous donations. They are very much appreciated!
Give Racism the Red (or blue) Card!
Friendship Fortnight!
Altru Drama - Anti-Bullying Performance
What did the Romans do for us?
We have completed some research and found out that the Romans did lots of things for us in Britain today. We worked in groups to decide what the most important things they did was. Each group came up with a completely different list, but they were all exactly right!
Remembrance Day 2018
Active Sefton
Year 3 are really enjoying our 4 week program with Active Sefton. We've been learning all about the importance of a balanced diet and lots of exercise for a healthy lifestyle.
Play in a Day - The Romans
Children in Need
Pyjama Day
Roman Experience Dewa Chester
Roman Patrol
We loved our trip to learn about the Roman remains in Chester. To start off the day we joined a Roman legion and took off on a march around the streets of Chester. We made our way to an amphitheatre to discover how the Romans enjoyed gladiator fighting.
Exploring the Museum
As part of our other faiths learning we had a speaker come in to tell us about how Jewish religion differs from our own. The children asked lots of interesting questions.
Roman Mosaics
We studied some ancient Roman mosaics and looked at how they were created in Roman times. We decided to create our own version using card and paper because using tiles and cement like the Romans would have taken us too long!
Science Challenge
We were tasked with the challenge to make a puppet that would create a shadow. The aim was to complete a puppet that was made from either a translucent or opaque object, looked attractive and fit our Christmas theme.
We carried out an investigation using objects that could be found in class to find the most suitable material. Our findings were recorded on a ThinkChart.
Christmas Shadow Puppets
We decided that felt would be the most suitable material to use for our puppets as it allowed us to meet the needs of our challenge brief. We created our puppets by sewing and decorating with Christmas colours.
Shadow Puppets all ready to be sold in the Christmas Fair!
Christmas Jumper Day!
Santa Dash!
Roman Projects
Year 3 completed a project at home to make a Roman artefact. They have done an amazing job!
Spring Term Updates
Investigating Forces
Spanish Penpals!
Year 3's new geography topic has got off to a very exciting start! We are going to be learning all about Spain's culture and geography. To begin we worked with Senorita to write some letters that we sent to Spain over Christmas to help us find out lots of information about the similarities and differences between us and children in Spain!
DT DAY - Forces and Magnets
We had a fantastic day working with Steph to learn even more about forces and magnets. We first created an individual marble maze, before moving on to a magnetic fish game. It was a bust day, but we had a great time and can't wait to try out our two new games!
Weather Reports - Comparing the UK with Spain!
We have got lots of budding meteorologists in Year 3. We had a great time presenting the different weather across regions in the UK and Spain. Year 3 have decided that they would much rather have Spanish weather than our own!
Year 3 had wonderful time learning all about Hindu traditions. They learned about Ganesh and how he is very important. They also got to try on some wonderful traditional Indian items and were lucky enough to have henna tattoos completed.
Spanish Fiesta!
Year 3 had a fantastic morning immersing themselves in Spanish culture. First, they learned how to order food in Spanish, and they then got to sample some of those foods. They enjoyed Spanish omelettes, chocolate crepes, chorizo and lets more!
To finish off the Spanish celebration they showed off some of their fantastic dancing!
The Day the Crayons Quit
Using Emojis to Describe How Each Crayon Feels
Year 3 completed a talking and listening activity linked to 'The Day the Crayons Quit.' They each selected their favourite character from the story and role-played how the crayon feels, using a wide range of emotions and feelings. They used evidence from the text to support their feelings and emotions.
Rock Hunting Around Our School
To kick off our new Science topic, we went around the school to try and find as many different types of rocks. We used our findings to complete a ThinkChart.
Year 3 chose to celebrate Green Crayon for World Book Day 2019. Each child came in dressed in green and we had a fun-filled day!
World Book Day
Talking and Listening
Year 3 and 4 wrote colour poems linked to our World Book Day text, 'The Day the Crayons Quit.' Each child picked a colour (the more obscure the better) and used each of their five senses and an emotion to describe it within their poem.
To make things competitive Year 3 and 4 faced off each other in a competition to 'Guess the Colour.' This was a great activity to get the children talking for an audience.
Are all rocks the same strength?
Year 3 were posed the challenge to determine whether all rocks were the same strength. They had to do this because we are helping Mrs Dowell decide on a new monument to be placed in the school courtyard.
Children tested each of the rocks in three different experiments; the hardness test, acid test and waterproof test. Recordings were made in a thinkchart to help organise all the information.
Following the experiment, the children had to select a suitable rock type based on the criteria given and justify their reasons using evidence from their thinkchart.
Earthquake Survival Kit
An earthquake hit Liverpool this afternoon and Year 3 had to scramble to decide on the five most vital items that they would need to survive. Before they started, the children decided that in order to survive the items would need to provide food, shelter, water, safety and allow communication. Year 3 had to justify each of their choices and speak aloud to the class.
Tolerance and Respect Assembly
As part of our British Values across the school, Year 3 found out more about what being more tolerable and respectful means. They put all their findings together to put on an assembly for the rest of our school. The main message that they tried to get across, was that being different is a good thing and that it is very important to show respect for those who aren't the same as us.
BSL Hands - Sign Language
Year 3 have spent 10 weeks learning British Sign Language thanks to Deaf Active. The children have enjoyed this immensely and have been able to develop their understanding of how to be more inclusive and understanding of the needs of others. They put on an assembly for the rest of the school and their parents to showcase their new skills, which will enable them to communicate with individuals who have hearing impairments.
Volcano Projects
We had a fantastic time at CHET! Everyone loved their time at CHET and wish they could go back and do it all again!
DT Treehouses
Year 3 had a fantastic time working with Steph to create their very own treehouse models. They first drafted what they wanted their treehouse to look like. Their designs were great! The children got to use a range of tools to complete their projects.
Healthy and Active Fortnight!
Healthy Living - Handwashing
Our school nurses came in to talk about the importance of washing our hands properly. This is so important to do for lots of reasons, including keeping ourselves free from illness so that we can win the attendance award!
Dental Hygiene and Sugar Swaps
The school nurse also told us about how we should brush our teeth to look after them properly. We worked as a class to come up with some of the ways that we can make better choices for our teeth; swapping high sugar foods for something with less is the best way to start!
Girls World Cup
Year 3 girls took part in a tournament at goals to celebrate this year's Girls World Cup. They represented us so well, and were awarded the Integrity Award after a vote by the other schools!
Liverpool - Crest Printing
As part of our Geography topic, we have been looking at Liverpool and key landmarks around the city and their impact on us today. We linked this learning with our current art topic and planned, sketched and then printed our very own crests for Liverpool, using ink and paint.
Trip to Liverpool Maritime Museum