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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3



But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


Mrs Davies and Mrs McBride welcome you to our class page for 2022 - 2023. We are very excited for the year ahead and look forward to working with you very much!

Summer Term


Dates for Your Diary

Summer 1

  • Monday 17th April: Return to school

  • Monday 17th April: Other faiths week

  • Tuesday 18th April: Hindu visitor

  • Wednesday 26th April: Play in a day - Romans

  • Wednesday 3rd May: CHET

  • Friday 5th May: Return from CHET – shattered!

  • Friday 26th May: Non-uniform – bottles

  • Friday 26th May: Finish for half term


Summer 2

  • Monday 5th June: Return to school

  • Thursday 8th June: Trip to Chester

  • Friday 16th June: Fun Run

  • Monday 19th June: Healthy and Active Fortnight

  • Friday 23rd June: Non-uniform – Toys

  • Friday 30th June: Sports Day

  • Friday 7th JulySummer Fair

  • Friday 14th July: Finish for summer 1.30pm

Spring Term


Dates for Your Diary

Spring 1

  • Wednesday 4th January: Return to school
  • Wednesday 11th January: DT day (Y3)
  • Wednesday 25th January: Parents open morning (Y1, 3, 5)
  • Friday 27th JanuaryNon-uniform day (unwanted gifts) 
  • Friday 3rd February: Inside out day to raise awareness for mental health
  • Tuesday 7th FebruarySafer Internet Day
  • Friday 10th February: Equality assembly (Y3, 5, 6)
  • Friday 10th February: Finish for half term at 3pm


Spring 2

  • Monday 20th February: Return to school
  • Thursday 2nd March: World Book Day
  • Friday 10th MarchNon-uniform day (chocolate) 
  • Friday 17th March: Comic Relief - mad hair day
  • Friday 31st MarchEaster bonnet/garden, raffles
  • Friday 31st MarchFinish for Easter at 1.30pm




    Autumn Term



    Dates for Your Diary

    Autumn 1


    • Friday 9th September: School Mission Day
    • Tuesday 13th September: School Council Elections
    • Friday 16th SeptemberMass for feast of SRB 
    • Wednesday 28th September: Y3 Play in a Day: The Stone Age
    • Friday 30th September: Macmillan Coffee Morning
    • Friday 7th October: Wear Yellow for Mental Health Awareness
    • Friday 14th October: Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts)
    • Wednesday 19th October: Pupil Progress evening
    • Friday 21st October: Wear red or blue for say no to racism day
    • Friday 21st October: Harvest Festival (Y3)
    • Friday 21st October: School closes for half-term (3pm)


    Autumn 2


    • Monday 31st October: school reopens
    • Friday 4th November: Non-uniform day (chocolates)
    • Friday 18th November: Pyjama day (Children in Need)
    • Monday 21st November: DT textiles week
    • Friday 25th November: ‘Trashion’ Show
    • Friday 2nd December: Non-uniform day (bottles)
    • Friday 9th December: Christmas fair
    • Thursday 15th December: Advent Service
    • Monday 19th December: Santa Dash, Christmas Jumper Day
    • Wednesday 21st December: School closes for Christmas (1:30pm)


    We had a fantastic time on our residential at CHET. Children showed great resilience and bravery as they tackled the high wires, the maze, the night line, the zip wire and of course the dreaded SWAMP! They joined in and tried their best with every activity and showed how well they can work in teams.

    Romans play in a day - History

    We learnt lots of facts about life in the roman times. We helped write and then performed a play all about it. We had a brilliant day with Altru Drama.

    Other faiths week - Hinduism R.E.

    We learnt about Hinduism from a visitor who told us all about the faith. We learnt about some important gods and goddesses and had our hands painted with henna. We also made some mehndi patterns and tried on traditional dress.


    Children were invited to make an Easter bonnet or garden to celebrate this important day.

    Recycling Project - Windchimes

    Our whole school took part in a recycling project which was to create some thing new from materials that would usually be thrown away. We were tasked with making a windchime to help decorate our school grounds. We talked about the importance of recycling and how continuing to use single use plastics is a big problem for the environment and the future of our planet. We displayed ours on the playground for everyone to enjoy.

    Tolerance and Respect

    We looked at British Values and focussed on respect and tolerance of others. We thought about what this means and realised that tolerance means showing respect towards those who are a different age, race, religion, gender, and those who have opinions that are different to ours. It is also not responding to others in a negative way, and not being mean, unkind or aggressive towards people. 

    Equality and Diversity

    We told the story of the two monsters and how each thought that they were right and the other was wrong. We realised that just because one person thinks they are right, it doesn't always mean that the other person is wrong. We all need to remember, equality is when we make sure that everyone is treated fairly. It does not mean that everyone has to be treated the same.

    Inside Out Day

    We all wore an item of clothing inside out to promote children's mental health awareness week. We wanted to show that how you look on the outside, doesn't always reflect what you are feeling on the inside. The aim of Inside Out Day is to remind everyone to always be kind and caring and to think of others, as no one knows how another person may be feeling on the inside.

    Forces Games - D.T.

    The children worked with Steph O'Donnell to create games powered by different forces. First, they made a marble maze which is powered by gravity. After that, they made a magnetic fishing game. Alongside our forces, the main focus of the day was creating shell structures, adding inclines and making functional, fun products.

    Christmas Tree Decorations - D.T.

    We had to design and make a Christmas decoration as a gift to make someone smile. First we looked at and evaluated some existing products and used a think chart to generate ideas for our own designs. Then we practised our cutting skills and sewing skills using a running stitch and an over stitch. After that, we followed our designs to make the product.

    Light - Science

    In this topic, Year 3 investigated which materials would make the best shadow puppets. They worked in groups to decide which materials made the best the best shadow for their puppet and explained why. Then they made the puppet and judged it against the rest of the criteria in their challenge brief.

    Trashion Show - D.T.

    All children were challenged to take an old item and create a new stylish product from it. We had tie-dye t-shirts, belts, caps, bandanas, pillows etc! It was a brilliant way to show that we can be more sustainable and friendly to our environment by recycling our old clothing into something new. We loved strutting our stuff on the catwalk! 

    Children In Need - PSHE

    Children gave a donation and wore pyjamas to support this year's Children In Need campaign.

    Friendship fortnight - PSHE

    For this year's anti-bullying campaign we wore odd socks to celebrate our individuality and uniqueness. This was linked to all the work we did during our 'friendship fortnight.' This year, the theme was Reach Out. We talked about how important it is to talk to other people and to be inclusive and kind. We even learnt a song about it!

    Remembrance Day - Collective Worship

    We gathered to remember and pay our respects to fallen heroes and their families. We talked about the significance of wearing a red poppy and why it was so important to remember. We said prayers then at 11am, reflected quietly during our 2 minute silence.

    Say No To Racism - PSHE

    We wore red and blue to say 'NO' to racism. We discussed how everyone should be treated fairly and that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. Racism does not have a voice in our school community and we will not tolerate it in any form.

    Harvest Festival - Collective Worship

    Year 3 led our collective worship for the Harvest Festival. We gathered together to think about how our small actions can make a difference to other people our community. We thanked God for the farmers and their harvest, for the Sun and the rain. Most of all we thanked our families who donated lots of items for the foodbank to help people less fortunate than us in Sefton. Thank you so much everyone.

    Girls Football Tournament at Goals - PE

    Some of our amazing Year 3 girls represented our school at a football tournament held at Goals. They were commended on their team spirit and enthusiasm. Well done!

    Light and Shadows - Science

    In science we are learning all about light sources and shadows. We spent some time investigating how shadows are formed and which type of objects make the best shadows. We learnt that when light hits an opaque object, light is blocked and a shadow is formed on the opposite side. Translucent objects allows light to pass through and transparent objects let some light pass through.

    Hello Yellow - PSHE

    To raise awareness of mental health we wore yellow and discussed ways in which we can have positive mental health. We talked about all the things that make us happy - there are lots! Our big message is show young people they are not alone with their mental health.

    Play in a day - English/History

    We spent the day with Altru Drama learning all about Stone Age Britain as part of our History topic. We helped write and then performed a play for the school based on what we had learnt in just one day. We are so proud of how well the children performed!
