John 13:34-35
Mrs Sutton and Sir would like to welcome you to the Year 4 class page for 2022-2023.
Our aim is to keep you informed of all the things that are happening in our class.
(First Summer half term)
Monday 17th April: Other Faiths week: Hinduism.
Friday 21st April: Hindu visitor to Year 4.
Wednesday 10th May : Year 4 design technology - night lights.
Wednesday 17th May: Year 4 play in a Day - Ancient Greece
Friday 26th May: non-uniform day (bottles) and break up for half-term at 3pm.
(Second Summer half term)
Monday 5th June: return to school
Friday 9th June: First Holy Communion
Monday 12th June: First Holy Communion party
Friday 16th June: Fun Run
Monday 19th June to Friday 23rd June : Healthy and Active week 1.
Monday 26th June to Friday 30th June: Healthy and active week 2.
Friday 30th June: Sport’s Day
Wednesday 5th July: Arts Festival (9am)
Friday 7th July: Summer Fair
Friday 14th July: break up for summer holidays 1:30pm.
We had a great day with Barry from Altru Drama producing a play in a day about Ancient Greece. We learnt so much on the day: myths and legends, city states, gods and goddesses, everyday life and the Olympics.
We worked with Steph to design and make night lights. We started by looking at different table lamps and identifying the things we liked about them. We then designed our own lights and used our knowledge of electircal circuits to make them light up when we turned on the switch.
We had a visit from Lyndsey, a local dentist. She explained to us the importance of looking after our teeth and how we can go about keeping them healthy. We were amazed to find how much sugasr there is contained in different foods and drinks.
Dates for Your Diary
Spring Term
Y4 Macbeth Play in a day | Wednesday 25th January |
Parents Open morning Y2 Y4 Y6 9-9.30am | Friday 27th January |
Non-Uniform Day (Unwanted Gifts) | Friday 27th January |
Inside Out Mental Health Day | Friday 3rd February |
Coffee morning Alder Hey Mental Health Support Team 9-10am | Friday 3rd February |
Safer Internet Day | Tuesday 7th February |
School Finishes for Half Term | Friday10th February |
School Re-opens | Monday 20th February |
This year to celebrate World Book Day we studied two books: Can I Be Your Dog and I Found a Kitty. Both texts were written as a selection of letters written by Alfie the dog as he looks for a home for himself and his friend Scamper and the replies that he recieves.
We recently showed our support for Comic Relief by having a mad hair day. Some very inventive and crazy hairstyles were on show!
We recently worked with Steph and had a design technology day linked to our topic of Macbeth. We made hydraulic heads based upon characters from the play. The hydraulic system opened and closed the mouths
Having studied the work of the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser we created our own dreamscapes in his style using water colours. We had great fun and are really pleased with the results we achieved.
This week we were very proud to be able to show our parents the work that we have been doing so far this year.
The term got off to a great start with the children working with Altru drama to present their version of the Shakespeare classic, Macbeth. This will be the text that we will study for the next term and was a great way to start the topic. After only a day of rehearing the class put on a performance at the end of the day for the rest of the school. Well done everyone.
Dates for Your Diary
Autumn Term
Autumn 1
Friday 9th September: School Mission Day
Tuesday 13th September: School Council Elections
Friday 16th September: Mass for feast of SRB
Friday 30th September: Macmillan Coffee Morning
Tuesday 4th October: class trip to Martin Mere
Friday 21st October: Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts)
Wednesday 19th October: Pupil progress meeting
Friday 22nd October: Non-uniform day (wearing red or blue to say NO to racism)
Friday 22nd October: School closes for half-term (3pm)
Autumn 2
Monday 31st October: Friendship Week
Friday 4th October: non-uniform day (chocolates)
Friday 11th October: friendship assembly
Friday 18th November: Children in Need
Friday 25th November: Trashion Show
Friday 2nd December: non-uniform day (bottles)
Thursday 15th December: Advent Service (7pm church)
Friday 16th December: Xmas Fayre (1:15 pm)
Monday 19th December: Xmas jumper day
Wednesday 21st December: Xmas disco
Tuesday 21st December: Term finishes @ 1:30pm
This year's Christmas technology project was to design and make a Christams decoration. We used our sewing skills to make a hanging Christmas tree. We are really proud of the results.
Tuesday was a very special day for the children of Year 4 as they received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. They delivered a beautiful and very reflective service of which they should all feel very proud. The theme of the service was the Light of Christ burning within each of us and how through doing things wrong we begin to let the light dim. However, through the gift of reconciliation we are able to say we are sorry for the things we have done wrong and allow the light of Christ to burn brightly within us once again.
Year 4 had the chance to strut their stuff on the runway for this years Trashion Show! They came up with some fantastic ideas to show off their creativity and sustainability. Each child worked hard to design their clothing and also made sure that they made environmentally conscious choices in what they wore.
Anglo Saxon Village Life
As part of our topic on Anglo-Saxons, Year 4 recently visited the settlement of Mere Tun. Here they experienced life in Anglo-Saxon times. During the visit they went foraging in the woods, weaved a pig pen from willow, used reeds to thatch a roof and learnt to defend the village. Wev had an amazing day and learnt so much.
We celebrated the Macmillan Coffee Morning in the usual way this year with us all back together in the hall. A few volunteers came along to offer their support. Thank you to everyone involved for your amazing generosity.
Well done to everyone who took part in the school council elections and put themselves forward to be a school councilor. The standard was very high this year and it was a very difficult job for the children to decide who to vote for. After listening to each candidates' manifesto, all of the class went to the polling station to cast their votes. It was a very close run thing. Congratulations to our two new year 4 councilors!
Mission Statement Art
We studied the work of French artist Paul Signac, who painted using a technique called pointilism. We then produced self-portraits using this style to display as part of our mission statement.