Love one another as I have loved you.
John 13:34-35
Mr Seeckts Mrs Sutton Mr Nugent
General Information: Spring Term
The school day starts at 8.55 am.
Children need to bring their book bag containing their reading book and homework diary to school each day.
A school hot dinner costs £9.00 per week. Money is payable on a Monday morning, and should be brought to school in an envelope clearly marked with the child's name, class and amount of money it contains.
Toast is available to buy on Mondays and Wednesdays at a cost of 10p.
Brass band will take place on a Thursday morning. During these sessions the children will be taught to play either a trumpet, a trombone or a baritone. So if your child brings their instrument home to practise, it must be brought into school for Thursday's lesson.
Over the course of the year there will be several sacramental meetings for parents. These will usually take place on a Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the school hall. As soon as dates are confirmed with Fr Barry, we will let you know.
For the next three half terms the children will have swimming lessons on a Thursday afternoon at Bootle Leisure Centre. For these sessions we have to follow the rules set down by the Bootle baths which means all children must have a swimming cap and no jewellery can be worn.
Reading: Children are expected to read every night with an adult and have their reading records signed. It is important to discuss the text with your child to help develop skills of comprehension.
Spellings: spellings are given on a Monday and need to be practised each night before the test on Friday. The books will be sent home so that you can see how your child is doing but it is important that they are returned to school the next day.
Times Tables: tables practice sheets will be given daily. The children will work on a particular table for two weeks and need to be able to instantly recall not only the multiplication facts but also the related division facts. At the end of every two week block there will be a test to check that the tables have been learnt.
Maths: maths homework will be given over the weekend.
English: There will also be a piece of grammar/punctuation homework set during the week usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Important Dates For Your Diary
Wednesday 11th January: Play in a Day (Macbeth)
Tuesday 24th January: Sacramental Meeting for Parents (School Hall 2:00pm)
Monday 6th - Friday 10th February: Hinduism Week
Friday 10th February: Non-Uniform Day (Unwanted Gifts)
Friday 10th February : Finish for half term
Monday 20th February: Return to School
Tuesday 21st February: Sacramental Meeting for Parents (School Hall 2:00pm)
Wednesday 1st March: Play in a Day (Ancient Greeks)
Friday 10th March: Non-Uniform Day (chocolates)
Monday 13th March: Pupil Progress Meetings
Tuesday 14th March: Sacramental Meeting for Parents (School Hall 2:00pm)
Wednesday 29th March: Design & Technology Workshop
Wednesday 29th March: Easter Service
Friday 31st March: Term Finishes at 1:30pm
Spring Term Topics
Subject | Topics |
Religion |
Community Hinduism Giving & Receiving Self Discipline |
English |
Macbeth (playscripts) Adverts (persuasive texts) |
Mathematics |
Multiplication Decimals Fractions |
Science |
Electricity States of Matter |
Geography | Why do people Visit Greece? |
History | What have the Ancient Greeks done for us? |
Computing |
Keynote presentations Desktop Publishing (advertising posters) |
Music | Brass Instruments |
School Council Elections
Year 4 recently elected their school councilors.
After the perspective candidates presented themselves to the class, a short listing took place to select two boys and two girls to appear on the ballot paper. Each class member then voted at the polling station for one boy and one girl to represent them on this year's School Council.
Children and parents have now began a series of Sacramental meetings in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The Sacramental Programme is the means by which baptised children can complete their journey into full membership of the Catholic Church.
General Information: Autumn Term
The school day starts at 8.55 am.
Children need to bring their book bag containing their reading book and homework diary to school each day.
A school hot dinner costs £9.00 per week. Money is payable on a Monday morning, and should be brought to school in an envelope clearly marked with the child's name, class and amount of money it contains.
Toast is available to buy on Mondays and Wednesdays at a cost of 10p.
Brass band will take place on a Thursday morning. During these sessions the children will be taught to play either a trumpet, a trombone or a baritone.
Over the course of the year there will be several sacramental meetings for parents. These will usually take place on a Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the school hall. As soon as dates are confirmed with Fr Barry, we will let you know.
Reading: Children are expected to read every night with an adult and have their reading records signed. It is important to discuss the text with your child to help develop skills of comprehension.
Spellings: spellings are given on a Monday and need to be practised each night before the test on Friday. The books will be sent home so that you can see how your child is doing but it is important that they are returned to school the next day.
Times Tables: tables practice sheets will be given daily. The children will work on a particular table for two weeks and need to be able to instantly recall not only the multiplication facts but also the related division facts. At the end of every two week block there will be a test to check that the tables have been learnt.
Maths: maths homework will be given over the weekend.
English: There will also be a piece of grammar/punctuation homework set during the week usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Homework projects: there will also be various homework projects throughout the year linking to topics covered in the curriculum.
Important Dates For Your Diary
Tuesday 20th September: Mass for Feast Day of St Robert Bellarmine
(children in school for 8:45)
Tuesday 4th October: 1st Sacramental Meeting for Parents (Church 2:00pm)
Friday 14th October: Class trip to Martin Mere (Anglo Saxon Life)
Monday 17th October: Pupil progress Meetings (1pm - 5:30pm)
Friday 21st October: Harvest Festival (Presented by Yr3)
Friday 21st October : Finish for half term
Monday 31st October: Return to School
Tuesday 1st November: 2nd Sacramental Meeting (2:00pm Hall)
Friday 11th November: Friendship/Anti-Bullying Assembly (Presented by Yr1, Yr3 & Yr4)
Tuesday November 29th: 3rd Sacramental Meeting (2:00pm Hall)
Friday 2nd December: Non-Uniform Day (chocolates)
Tuesday 6th December: Service of 1st Reconciliation (1:30pm Church)
Friday 16th December: Christmas Fayre
Tuesday 20th December: Advent Service (7:00pm Church)
Wednesday 21st December: Term Finishes at 1:30pm