John 13:34-35
Mrs Sutton and Sir would like to welcome you to the Year 4 class page for 2021-2022.
Our aim is to keep you informed of all the things that are happening in our class.
Autumn 1
Wednesday 8th September: School Council Elections
Friday 10th September: School Mission Day
Friday 24th September: Macmillan Coffee Morning
Friday 1st October: Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts)
Monday 18th October: Pupil progress meeting
Friday 22nd October: Non-uniform day (wearing red or blue to say NO to racism)
Friday 22nd October: School closes for half-term (3pm)
Autumn 2
Tuesday 2nd November: School reopens
Friday 3rd December: non-uniform day (bottles)
Friday 10th December: Xmas Jumper day, Santa dash
Thursday 16th December: Advent Service (7pm church)
Friday 17th December: Xmas Fayre
Tuesday 21st December: Term finishes @ 1:30pm
Look What We've Been Up To
Harvest Festival Collective Worship
We joined together as a class to give thanks to God for all we have and to pray for those less fortunate than ourselves. Year 4 and all the children in our school brought in donations for a local food bank and as always their amazing generosity could only be marveled at.
Hello Yellow - World Mental Health Day
Year 4 celebrated World Mental Health Day #helloyellow by wearing yellow. We had a lovely day! We talked about all the people they have in their lives who are there to support then and then talked about how, like superheroes we have special powers - Resilient Powers. We also talked about how kindness goes a long way to making people mentally healthy and strong - even something as a smile or 'hello' can makes BIG difference.
Investigating Teeth
We have recently been learning about the different teeth that we have and the different jobs that they do. We have also learnt how important it is that we look after them properly. We set up an investigation to find out the effect that different liquids have on our teeth.
Ordering and Comparing 4-digit Numbers
Building on our knowledge of reading and partitioning 4-digit numbers we have now looked at how we can compare them and then order them in different ways. We really had to think when we were challenged to think of numbers that could be placed in between numbers that were already ordered.
Anglo Saxon Village Life
As part of our topic on Anglo-Saxons, Year 4 recently visited the settlement of Mere Tun. Here they experienced life in Anglo-Saxon times. During the visit they went foraging in the woods, weaved a pig pen from willow, used reeds to thatch a roof and learnt to defend the village. Wev had an amazing day and learnt so much.
Introducing Thousands
We explored how 10 hundreds could be exchanged for 1 thousand using 10 frames. We then applied this learning to identify and work out how many 100s there are in other 4-digit multiples of 100. We then used place value charts to help us read and write 4-digit numbers in digits and words.
We celebrated the Macmillan Coffee Morning a little bit differently this year. We all brought cakes in that we could sell. At playtime we made donations and bought cakes to raise money for the charity. Thanks to the amazing generosity of everyone involved, as a school, we raised almost £800!
What Happens to the Food We Eat?
We started our science topic by thinking about the journey food takes through our bodies. We then attempted to put our initial thoughts on an outline of the body. We then explained to our classmates what we thought was happening as we eat food.
Well done to everyone who took part in the school council elections and put themselves forward to be a school councillor. The standard was very high this year and it was a very difficult job for the children to decide who to vote for. After listening to each candidates' manifesto, all of the class went to the polling station to cast their votes. It was a very close run thing. Congratulations to our two new year 4 councillors!