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Year 5

                                             Welcome to the Year 5 Webpage

Miss Wignall and Mrs Johnson welcome you to the Year 5 page.  We look forward to showing you all of the wonderful things that happen in our class throughout the year.


General Information


Autumn Term 2015


The school day begins with registration at 8.55 am and we really appreciate prompt time-keeping to get the children off to a good start. Each day we begin with reinforcing important skills in Maths and English  so it is vital that your child is in on time and ready to learn.


Reading books should be brought in daily as the children will be asked to read throughout the week. It is important that the children read to an adult each night and their diaries should be signed and a comment written to inform of their progress. In addition to listening to your child read, you must also help to develop their comprehension skills. A list of questions that you can ask your child can be found by clicking on the attachment below.


Homework is given out on a Thursday and needs to be handed in on Monday. Spellings are given out on a Friday and tested the following Thursday. In addition, the children may also be given Big Write homework during the week. This allows the children to discuss and plan their writing with an adult, ready for their session in class the following morning. We really appreciate the time that you take as it makes a real difference to the children’s writing.





The children go swimming each Tuesday. It is important that earrings are taken out prior to this as otherwise children will be unable to join in with the lesson due to Health and Safety rules at the baths.


PE takes place each Friday and it is important that the children have their full kit in school for the lesson. Jewellery may not be worn during PE.

Important Dates

Wednesday 9th September – Polling day for school council elections

Friday 11th September – Mission Statement Day

Monday 14th September – Egyptian Play in a Day

Friday 18th September – Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Robert Bellarmine

Wednesday 30th September – Trip to Crosby Lakeside

Monday 5th October – Retreat day at Savio Salesian College

Thursday 8th October - Crucial Crew session (pm only) at Formby PDC

Monday 12th October – Trip to Liverpool Museum (Ancient Egypt)

Friday 23rd October – Break up for half term

Mission Statement Collective Worship

Some Year 5 children helped to plan and deliver a lovely Collective Worship for our Mission Statement Day. They thought carefully about the ways in which they are 'God's Work of Art' and linked this to the Parable of the Pencil.

The Year 5 children experienced a fantastic day and learnt many interesting facts about the Ancient Egyptians. A specialist theatre company led a fun-filled day and the children were transported back to Ancient Egypt. All children participated extremely well and enjoyed learning their lines and various songs throughout the day. After a quick dress rehearsal, it was time to perform our show to our audience!

The children enjoy discussing philosophical questions each morning during registration. They also participate in weekly philosophy lessons which allow the children to construct their own philosophical questions.  They often discuss various social and moral issues, enabling them to express their views and opinions while listening and respecting other children’s views too. Philosophy allows the children to develop the skills of being both critical and caring.


Hockey Training

The children enjoyed working in groups to create 'greater than' and 'less than' museums. They used a range of mathematical equipment to display a variety of numbers and used the signs to compare them. Each group visited other museums to check the work on show and to also spot any red herrings that the children may have included!

Year 5 had a fantastic day at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre. The children and staff enjoyed participating in activities such as bell boating and rock climbing. 

The children had a fantastic retreat day at Savio Salesian College. They participated in a number of different activities during the day and learnt a lot of interesting facts. 

The children enjoyed a Design Technology day which linked in with our current topic Ancient Egypt. The day was led by a specialist DT teacher who taught the children to enhance their skills whilst designing and making a sarcophagus.

A huge congratulations to the children who won the recent football tournament which was held at Goals. Well done!

As part of Friendship Fortnight, the children helped to deliver a special Collective Worship to the rest of the school.  They thought carefully about how to deliver the message that friendship is a special bond and that it is important to forgive friends when they may have hurt you. They also created their own acrostic poems and decorated a friendship tree to use as part of their focus table.

Viking Play in a Day


The children were lucky enough to experience another fantastic Play in a Day and learnt many interesting facts about the Vikings. A specialist theatre company led a fun-filled day and the children were transported back to the time when the Vikings invaded Britain. All children participated really well and enjoyed performing their play to the rest of the school.

The children displayed reverence and respect during our Collective Worship to remember all those who had lost their lives during the war and in more recent conflicts. They also thought carefully about those who continue to serve for their country today and offered special prayers of thanks.
The children enjoyed working with a specialist DT teacher to design and make their own Viking longboat. They worked hard and demonstrated excellent creative skills throughout the session.
During maths lessons, the children have been working on mathematical problems that require them to work systematically. The focus this half term has been 'finding all possibilities' and the children have worked enthusiastically when solving problems. They have been encouraged to conjecture, prove and justify their answers to allow them to further their problem solving skills.
The children stepped back in time and enjoyed a morning at Croxteth Hall for a Victorian Christmas experience. All children looked fantastic in their beautiful outfits and were able to see what Christmas was really like for children in the Victorian era.
We were lucky to meet three of the famous Smith brothers. The children enjoyed a question and answer session followed by a twenty minute workout with Stephen, Liam and Callum. This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience!

Oliver King Foundation Fundraiser

To raise money for the Oliver King Foundation, the children took part in a Christmas jumper day.
The children in Year 5 represented our school at the annual Advent Carol Service at the Metropolitan Cathedral. It was a beautiful and interactive service in which our children participated in singing traditional Christmas songs whilst waving stars that they had made. The children displayed excellent behaviour and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon!

The children spent the week looking at persuasive language in the build up to writing persuasively. A special game allowed the class to show what they already knew about this topic. We then looked at examples of persuasive writing and highlighted the key features. Once the children were familiar with the language that is used in this genre, they were split into groups. They discussed key questions and were able to successfully use persuasive words and phrases when voicing their opinions.


The second part of the week saw the children being split into three groups. They used their computing skills to research key facts about the topic fox hunting. One group researched facts in favour of fox hunting, another group looked at arguments against and the final group were the County Council who researched both sides of the argument. Once the facts had been gathered, the children drafted and edited their speeches before working in their groups to design and make banners to support their arguments.


Finally it was time for the big debate! The children were excited and were reminded of the success criteria for delivering their speeches. The classroom was set up and the children took their places. All involved delivered their speeches extremely well and lots of persuasive words and phrases, emotive language and rhetorical questions were used throughout. The debate was filmed using the iPad and the children were able to self assess their work against the success criteria at the end of the week.

This half term, during maths, the children have been working on mathematical problems that focus on 'finding rules and describing patterns'. To support them in their understanding, they have been using a range of resources. The children have enjoyed answering challenges which require them to explain (and prove) whether a certain number will be in the pattern. This type of problem solving has allowed them to work algebraically.

Zones of relevance activity

Fractions Prior Learning Task

As part of a prior learning task, the children worked in groups to create mathematical museums to represent different fractions. They used a variety of concrete and pictorial resources to create their museums and also related fractions to decimals and percentages.

British Values Assembly

Each class has been given a British value to focus on. Year 5 looked at Individual Liberty and created beautiful posters to show what this means to us in our society and in our school community. They shared their work with the rest of the school during a special assembly before displaying this outside their classroom. 

Mrs Mistry visited our class to teach the children more about Hinduism. They enjoyed dressing up in the traditional Indian clothing and creating henna tattoos.

Fraction work using Numicon

The children used numicon to help represent different fractions and also to solve fraction word problems.
The children worked hard to produce artwork in the style of the Brazilian artist, Beatriz Milhazes.

We have been learning about Brazil during our Geography lessons this term and the children enjoyed performing a Brazilian dance during a special assembly.   Thank you to Mrs Hardman for helping to choreograph the dance.

Rainforest Projects

The children should be extremely proud of their homework projects. A lot of thought and creativity was given and it was evident that the children had dedicated a lot of time to their task.

As part of our topic, the children spent time presenting their work and explaining many wonderful facts that they had researched about rainforests throughout the world.

The children should be so proud of themselves. They delivered their rainforest assembly with confidence and maturity. 
The children recently completed their cycling proficiency during a two-day course. During this time, they enjoyed developing their riding skills as well as gaining new skills and developing their confidence when cycling safely on the roads around the local area. 

During problem solving lessons this term, the children have been busy working on logic problems and puzzles. 

They have also used their knowledge of multiples, factors, prime numbers, composite numbers, square and cube numbers to help solve some challenging mathematical problems. 

During Healthy and Active Fortnight, the children took part in a variety of activities including gymnastics, athletics, football, multi-sports and dancing. They thoroughly enjoyed developing their skills in these areas and worked hard to earn points for their house teams. 

Scooter Session

The children also enjoyed taking part in a scooter session and were taught how to complete special moves during their time on the ramps. 
Wow! What a fantastic afternoon. The children made a real effort with their costumes and they all looked amazing. Many thanks to all those who sponsored the children. 

Coding and Programming

During our Computing lesson, the children have been using the APP Alex to develop their programming skills. There was a lot of competition to see who could complete the levels in the quickest time and many children impressed us with their excellent skills. 

Golf Tournament

Well done to those children who attended the recent golf tournament at Aintree Golf Centre. The children had a lovely afternoon and came third overall. 

The Feast of St Peter and St Paul

2016 Football League Winners

Attendance Awards
