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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 


'I came that they may have life and live it to the full' (John 10:10)


Mrs Devine, Mrs Rigby and Mrs Johnson would like to welcome our Year 5 children and families to our class page. We will keep you informed of important events and our class work on this page.

Spring Term 


Diary Dates


Monday 6th January 

Back to school

Wednesday 8th January  

Play In A Day: The Ancient Egyptians 

Friday 24th January  

Non-uniform day: unwanted gifts. 

Plaza trip for Holocaust Remembrance Day. 

Friday 31st January  

Inside Out Mental Health Day 

Thursday 6th February  

Trashion Show 

Tuesday 11th February 

Internet Safety Day 

Friday 14th February 

Equality Assembly: Who Inspires Us? 

Break up for half-term at 3pm. 

Monday 24th February

Back to school

Wednesday 5th March 

Ash Wednesday 

Monday 10th March 

Pupil Progress Meetings 

Friday 14th March

Comic Relief - Mad Hair Day 

Wednesday 19th MarchWonderDome Planetarium visit to school 

Friday 21st March 

Non Uniform Day for chocolates 

Wednesday 26th March  

Design and Technology Day 

Tuesday 1st April 

Easter Service 7pm

Friday 4th April  

Easter Bonnet Competition and Raffle

Finish at 1:30pm


The Ancient Egyptians Play In a Day 

Altru Drama came to visit school and worked with Year 5 on a Play In A Day performance based on life in Ancient Egyptian times. We learnt about how the River Nile was vital for the success of the Ancient Egyptians and how the society was organised into different classes of people. The farmers and slaves were the largest class and they were led by their ruler the Pharaoh. We also learnt about the Ancient Egyptians' belief in the afterlife and that they mummified the dead! 



In art we have crated sculptures using cardboard and Modroc. We used the shape of the River Mersey as our inspiration and contour lines to create our sculptures. 


Liverpool Schools' Advent Service 

Year 5 went the Cathedral to watch the annual Advent Service. We watched the performance which told the story of Jesus's birth. We also prayed together and sang Christmas hymns. The children of Year 5 gave generously to help other children who may not be as fortunate as ourselves. Thank you!


Irreversible Changes 

We learnt about irreversible changes in our science lessons. We closely observed what happened when we mixed citric acid and bicarbonate of soda together. We could hear fizzing, we could see bubbles and foam forming, the smell changed and when we took the temperature we observed that it had dropped. We knew a chemical reaction had taken place and we would be unable to reverse this change. 


Reversible Changes 

The children used all the knowledge they have developed over this unit of work to reverse the changes and separate out 4 different materials from a mixture. We used what we know about magnetic materials, filtration and evaporation to be complete the task.

Design and Technology

Cam Toys

The children worked with Steph to create their designs for a cam toy. The children created a frame from wood and then added their cam to create linear and rotary motion. The children used their knowledge of different cams to select the cam they wanted to create the motion for their toy. They all did a fantastic job! 



British Values 


The children headed to the polling station this week to vote in the new school council for this year. The candidates were all very strong and it was a difficult decision. Well done to all those who put themselves forward and congratulations to our new Year 5 school councillors. 


Features of a River Workshop

The children enjoyed a visit from Katy at the Canals and Rivers Trust who came to teach us about the features of river. The children created their own river from sand and added on the important physical and human features. As you can see they did really well. 



6 Digit Numbers

In maths we worked in groups to represent our six-digit number in a variety of ways. We used place value charts, numberlines, bar models and a part whole model too. 


Kindness Workshop

We have been working with Andrew from the MHST team, who has come to talk to us about the importance of kindness. We thought about the effect it has on our mental health and well-being and how it can help us develop and maintain our friendships. We created a friendship cake with all the things we would like in a friend and but all the negative behaviours in the friendship bin. 
