I came that they may have life and live it to the full.
John 10:10
Welcome to the Year 5 Webpage
Mrs Devine, Mrs Rigby and Miss Mullin welcome you to the Year 5 page. We look forward to showing you all of the wonderful things that happen in our class throughout the year.
General Information
The school day begins with registration at 8.55 am and we really appreciate prompt time-keeping to get the children off to a good start.
Reading books should be brought in daily as the children may be asked to read throughout the week. It is important that the children read to an adult each night and their diaries should be signed and a comment written to inform of their progress. We will collect reading records in on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Times tables will be given out on Monday so the children can practise each night and hand them in on Friday
Spellings are given out each Monday and the children are tested on these the following Friday.
Maths and English homework will be given out during the week to reinforce work completed in class.
The children go swimming each Tuesday. It is important that earrings are taken out prior to this as otherwise children will be unable to join in with the lesson due to Health and Safety rules at the baths. The children will also need their swimming costume, swimming trunks, a towel and caps are required for both girls and boys.
PE takes place each Monday, the lessons will go ahead in all weathers so it is important that children have an outdoor kit, you don't mind getting muddy, to keep them warm and dry (old tracksuit, old trainers, waterproof jacket).
Important Dates:
Wednesday 23rd January | Science Escape Rooms. |
Tuesday 5th February | Safer Internet Day. |
Monday 4th February | Start of other faiths week. |
Friday 8th February | Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts). |
Friday 15th February | Break up for half-term. |
Monday 25th February | Return to school. |
Friday 8th March | Assembly for multicultural week. |
Friday 15th March | Non-uniform day (chocolates). |
Monday 18th March | Pupil Progress meetings. |
Thursday 4th April | Easter Service |
Friday 5th April | Easter Gardens and Bonnet competition and break up for Easter. |
Place Value Museums
The children began their topic on Place Value by creating maths museums for their target number. The pupils were challenged to use a range of different materials and images to represent their number as you can see from the photographs there is more than one way to create a number.
RE: Ourselves
Our first R.E. topic is Ourselves. We have been looking at all the different qualities and talents we have in year five and the children brought in a selection of items to showcase their talents from singing, to dance, to roller booting to golf, our talents are endless!
School Council Elections
Democracy is one of our very important British Values and everyone we hold our very School Council Elections. Just like real life, the candidates will present their views and ideas to the voters before we hold the elections. Then on Polling Day the children head to the Polling Station to complete their ballot papers and have their say in who they feel would be the best candidates to represent Year 5. Well done to all who took part and we are eagerly awaiting the the results of the count.
Roman Numerals
The pupils used the straws to represent numbers in Roman Numerals. We learnt that you can never have more than 3 of the same Roman Numeral in row and that sometimes we subtract and add to read the Roman Numeral as a number.
Keeping Safe
As many of us walk to and from school we decided we would design and make posters that have some important messages for keeping safe on the road.
The Ancient Egyptians Play In A Day
The pupils of year 5 had a great day learning all about the Ancient Egyptians and what life was like during these times. We learnt about the Pharaohs, Khufu's pyramid and how important the River Nile was to the Ancient Egyptians.
Today the NSPCC came into school to talk to us about what we should do if we ever have a worry. Jackie and Bob told us that we can always tell a trusted adult and we can phone Childline if we need help. There is always someone to help, they told us that a problem shared is a problem halved.
Maths Museum: Place Value of Numbers to 100,000
Today we made a maths museum of numbers to 100,000. We represented the 6 digit numbers using the part - part - whole model, the bar model, using a place value grid and by positioning the number on a number line.
Design and Technology Day
Year 5 enjoyed a brilliant Design and Technology day today. We worked with Steph to make an Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus from cardboard. We learnt about making a box structure with glue tabs, a hinge mechanism which opened using hydraulics. We made the hydraulic system work using two syringes filled with water a some plastic tubing. Finally each pupil created an attractive design to decorate the top of their Sarcophagus. The results were great!
Egyptian Projects
Year 5 were set a challenge to create a project on the Ancient Egyptians. The projects could be about any aspect of the Ancient Egyptians they were interested in and could follow use their various talents to complete the task.
As you can see the projects were absolutely and amazing and a big well done to everyone for their hard work.
Remembrance Day Collective Worship
Today we gathered to remember those who have gone to war so that we can enjoy the freedom and happy lives to have today. We also remember all those currently serving in the armed forces today who are unable to see their families and work in very dangerous situations to keep us safe. We asked God to help us remember those who had died during war and we prayed for a more peaceful world.
Friendship Workshop
The pupils from Year 5 took part in a workshop all about the importance of friendship and then watched a play all about a pupil who was being bullied. The played taught us about the consequences of bullying and what we can do to help others.
Art: Making Prints.
In history we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses and used images as inspiration for our artwork. We used the images to design and make a stamp from polystyrene. Next, we used printing ink and a brayer roller to cover the stamp in ink and then created three different prints. We were very pleased with how the prints turned out.
Year 5 Design and Technology: Viking Long Boats.
Year five were set the challenge to make a Viking Long Boat that looked like it was sailing through the waves.
The pupils had to design and make a hinge to allow the boat to move and a lever which is used to lift the boat. Steph taught us that levers work by increasing the distance over which the force works. The long boats were fabulous!
The 'Trashion' Show
A big thank you to all who took part in our amazing Trashion show. We have been thinking about how the huge amount of rubbish is effecting the world we live in and and damaging the environment. We discovered that 75% of the rubbish we throw away could actually be recylced and we were set a challenge to take an old t.shirt and recycle it into a brand new product. The children design wonderful new t.shirts, re-made some into new items of clothing, capes and even bags. We then showed off our fabulous designs at the 'Trashion Show' where we took to the catwalk.
Well done everybody!!!
Collective Worship: Life Choices
To end our RE topic we celebrated our learning with a collective worship on life choices. We thought about how, through Baptism, we are called to be part of God's mission and as we get older we must decide what we will do to do God's work. For now we are called to be good friends to others and faithful followers of Jesus. During our collective worship we thought about our friendships with one another and wrote a prayer to say thank you for these special friendships with one another.
Science Reversible Changes: Dissolving
In Year 5 we investigated how we can reverse dissolving by using evaporation. We recorded our observations using scientific diagrams and scientific explanations.
Reversible changes - insoluble materials.
This time we investigated how we could reverse the changes when we created a mixture of insoluble materials: stones and soil in water. Firstly, we used the sieve to remove the stones and then the filter paper and filter funnel to filter out the dirt. To our surprise we ended up with clean water. We then learnt about how the process of filtration has been used to invent Life Straws which enable people, who do not have access to clean water, to drink dirty water without contracting dangerous diseases. The Life Straws work by using a number of filters to make the water clean enough to drink safely.
Other Faiths Work: Judaism
We welcomed a visitor to school to school today to teach us all about the Jewish religion. We learnt that Abraham was the father of the Jewish religion and all about the Torah scroll. Dennis taught us about the Passover celebration and how a special meal called the Seder Meal is a special time to remember this very important story.
A Victorian Christmas
Year 5 stepped back in time to the Victorian Times and enjoyed a day at Croxteth Hall. We all had different roles and had to prepare for Lord and Lady Sefton's Christmas party. Some of us were gardeners, wood boys, stable hands while others worked inside the house as maids, kitchen, maids, dairy maids and under footmen. A few lucky ones were invited to come as guests at the party and had to come in our finest clothing! It was a wonderful trip and we all really enjoyed being a Victorian for the day.
Advent Service at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.
Year 5 visited the Metropolitan Cathedral for the annual Advent Carol Service for Schools. It was a lovely afternoon where we sang carols together and listened to the Christmas story. Each child also donated a toy which will be donated to Nugent Care. This organisation will use the donations to give to children who may not get a present this Christmas! The children showed great kindness and we thank you for your generosity. It was a wonderful opportunity to visit our beautiful cathedral in the run up to Christmas.
Hope Collective Worship
In RE we have been learning about the importance of hope during this time of Advent. We learnt how the people waited and waited in hope for God to send the promised one who would bring happiness and love for all. During our collective worship we listened to the words of the prophet Isiah and thought about we can be the light in others' lives during Advent. We made a promise that during Advent we would try to help others who were not as fortunate as we are and to try and to try help our parents during this very busy time. As a class we decided that instead of sending Christmas cards we would donate the money to CAFOD, we used the money to buy a gift of reading lessons for a child in a different part of the world who does not have the education we are lucky to have.
Investigating Square Numbers
The pupils used arrays to represent square numbers, they then represented the numbers using a factor bug and notation for square numbers.
Investigating Properties Of Materials.
The children in year 5 investigated the properties of materials used for wrapping paper. After their investigations pupils had to decide which material they would choose to use to wrap their homemade bath bomb in.
British Values - Individual Liberty.
Year five led the assembly today focusing on a British Value - INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY.
The children explained that individual liberty in our country means that we all have the right and freedom to make our own choices as long as they are within the law and responsible. We learnt about Malala Yousafzai who fought for the right and freedom to attend school and have an education. We realised how lucky we are to have the liberty to all be individuals in this country as long as we are acting within the law.
The children in year 5 made posters to explain how our school promotes individual liberty through clubs, work, homework projects, the school council, the digital council, playtimes, assemblies, projects.
Science: Chemical Changes and Bath Bombs.
In science we learnt about chemical reactions and how we can tell that a chemical reaction has taken place. We then used thisunderstanding to design and make a bath bomb which creates an exciting chemical reaction when it dissolves in the water.
Other Faiths Week - Hinduism.
As part of our other faiths topic in R.E. we have been learning about Hindusim. We were very lucky to have Mrs Mistry come to visit our class to teach us about some of the different Gods and Goddesses which are important in the Hindu faith. We also had the opportunity to try on some traditional clothing and a Henna design on our hands. We really enjoyed our visit from Mrs Mistry.
We thought carefully about how to keep ourselves safe on the internet. Firstly we created a multi-media presentation which explained what the SMART rules are and how if we can remember the rules around being safe, meeting up, accepting, reliable information and to tell a trusted adult we can protect ourselves when we're online. During Safer Internet Day we also learnt about our Digital Footprint. We learnt what this means and how we can create a positive digital footprint by using THINK before we type. THINK reminds us to think whether our comments and posts are True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind!
Day Of The Dead Artwork.
For multi-cultural week we have been learning about Mexico. We have learnt all about the famous Day of the Dead festival and used the work of artist Thaneeya McArdle as inspiration for our own art. We drew skulls on a canvas and then created a pattern on each skull. We wanted our skulls to be symmetrical, bright and fun to reflect the spirit of The Day of the Dead Festival. We used oil pastels and acrylic paints to create our designs on canvas.
Multi-cultural Week:
For Multi-cultural week Year 5 have been learning all about Mexico. We found out where Mexico is in the world and we have been learning about the culture and traditions enjoyed there. For our assembly we decided to perform a Mexican style dance to a traditional song performed by a Mariachi band. We really enjoyed performing it and we hope the audience enjoyed it too!
World Book Day
For this year's World Book Day the while school studied The Day The Crayons Quit. The pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 planned a debate to discuss whether Duncan should throw away his colours or buy some new ones. the children presented both sides and listened carefully to each others' points. It was a very interesting morning.
Science Investigations.
We have been learning about forces in science this term and have been investigating friction. the children designed their own fair test, carried out the investigation and wrote their conclusions.
Maths: fractions.
This week we have been using Numicon to prove what an improper fraction is and how it can be changed to a mixed number. We then made up a rule that we could use each time. We noticed that you could divide the denominator into the numerator and write the the remainder as a fraction.
The Daily Mile.
The children in Year 5 went to Litherland Sports Park to take part in the daily mile with a number of other schools from the local area. The children all did their very best and we really enjoyed the afternoon!
Careers Day
The pupils visited English Martyrs on a special careers day. We met different people who worked in different industries and for a range of companies from marketing to Arriva buses to construction companies. We even met an employee from QVC! we learnt that in businesses there are many different jobs and career paths available to us. We also learnt what a CV is and how it can help us to get a job in the future. We really had a wonderful day!!
Bully Busters and Coping With Worries
During healthy and active week we didn't just focus on keeping healthy physically but also learnt about our wellbeing. Bully Busters came in to talk to us about bullying and what we can do if we need help. The school nurse also came to talk to us about worries. We learnt that it is perfectly normal to have worries and that we often feel a worry as a symptom in our bodies. We made fortune tellers to help us think about strategies that may help us cope with our worries.
Healthy Pudding Challenge.
The children made delicious healthy variations for our favourite puddings. Well done everyone, we thoroughly enjoyed tasting them.
Healthy and Active Activities.
Throughout healthy and active week, we took part in a range of sporting activities from football to tennis, from gymnastics to multi skills and Quidditch!
Sierra Leone Visitors.
Today we had some visitors from St. Vincent's School in Sierra Leone. They came to see our school, they even sang with our choir in a song both schools have been learning. We really enjoyed meeting the students and their teacher.
Bikeability Training
The year five pupils took part in Bikeability training, learning how to keep safe on their bikes, especially when riding on the roads.
Rainforest Artwork
The pupils used images from the Great Kapok Tree as inspiration for our own Rainforest art work. Before beginning our final pieces we sketched out ideas for tree branches, leaves and a rainforest animal. Then we began experimenting with different chalks, colours and blended them together to create our design.
Geography Field Trip
The pupils in Year Five went to visit the beach on a Geography field trip to learn about the coastline. We learnt about the formation of Sand Dunes, we compared the coastline from the 1920's to the present day and searched for 4 examples if sea defences used to protect the land from being eroded by the sea.
Dissecting Flowers
To start our topic on life cycles, we dissected flowers to identify the male and female parts of the flowers which are used in reproduction. We began to identify new vocabulary such as: stamen, anther, filament, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, nectaries and sepals.