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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6's Class Page.

Miss Gleaves, Mrs Parkes, Miss Jones. 



General Information:


The school day starts at 8.55 am. 


Children need to bring their reading book and homework diary to school each day. 


A school hot dinner costs £9.50 per week. Money is payable on a Monday morning, and should be brought to school in an envelope clearly marked with the child's name, class and amount of money it contains. 


Toast is available to buy on Mondays and Wednesdays at a cost of 10p. 


Colomendy money can be paid every Friday morning, please ensure you send in your child's payment card along with any money.


P.E. day is Monday, the children will need full P.E. Kits for this lesson. If you could write your child's name on the kit, that would be a great help. 


​Swimming day is Thursday, don't forget your kit. You will need swimming costume/trunks, a towel, swimming cap. Remember jewellery is not allowed when swimming. 




Reading: Children are expected to read every night with an adult and get their reading records signed. It is important to discuss the text with your child to help develop skills of comprehension.


Spellings: spellings are given on a Thursday and need to be practised each night before the test on the following Thursday.


Maths: maths homework will be given over the weekend. 


English: There will also be a piece of grammar/punctuation homework set for over the weekend. 


Homework projects: there will also be various homework projects throughout the year linking to topics covered in the curriculum. 


Important Dates:

Monday 9th May: Start of SATs' week

Thursday 19th May:  Smile Challenge activities 

Friday 27th May: Break up for half term

Monday 6th June: School returns 

Wednesday 15th June: Sports Day 

Friday 17th June: Fun Run for Colomendy 

Monday 20th June: Colomendy 

Friday 24th June: Non-Uniform Day (bottles)

Wednesday 29th June: Attendance Beach Trip 

Tuesday 5th July: Children's University 

Thursday 7th July: Art Festival 

Friday 8th July: Summer Fayre

Monday 11th July: Year 6 BBQ 

                              Year 6 Leavers Mass

Friday 15th July: Year 6 Leavers Assembly 



Year 6 Topics



Summer Term 



Witness, Healing and Common Good

Other Faith: 




Discussion: How to Live Forever

Book Study: Skellig




Problem Solving



Have we always looked like this? 




Coding using Scratch. 




What was it like to live in Bootle during World War II? 




Physical Geography Rivers 




Newsletter: Autumn Term.

Year 6 End of Year Expectations

In Literacy lessons we have been reading about the famous high wire walker, Philippe Petit. Having read the book The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein, we wrote biographies of his exciting life in which he achieved the impossible. 

You can read some of biographies below. 


​We also worked on a Design and Technology project where we made models of Philippe Petit tightrope walking between the two towers. 

Year 6 had the opportunity to visit Savio High School, to work with Father Gerry on a special retreat day. The focus of the day was Friendship and after learning about friendship from Despicable Me 2 we came up a list of important qualities our friends have. The list included: kindness, care, trust, support, fun, fairness, respect. Using our lists as inspiration we wrote poems about the importance of friendship. Before we left, Father Gerry told us the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus, the story taught us that Jesus accepts us all as friends even when we make mistakes. 


Over the past few weeks we have been learning about Place Value in maths. In the pictures you will see all our work. We have partitioned the numbers, ordered them on a number line, used inequality signs to show which is greater than the other. 

Using equipment to represent decimals.

Finding All Possibilities

Throughout this half term, the children have been working hard on questions which involve finding all the possibilities and working systematically. 


This term we all headed to North Wales to climb Moel Famau. We all had a great day and felt a real sense of achievement for making it to the top! As you can tell form the photographs we had a really enjoyable time and achieved our challenge. 

Andy Grant Visit. 


We were lucky enough again this year to have Andy Grant a local hero come to visit us. He is a former Royal Marine who was injured in an IED explosion which resulted in him having his right leg amputated. Since then Andy has completed many challenges including abseiling down The Shard, competing in the Invictus Games where he won 2 gold medals, training to beat the world record for the fastest amputee over 10km and he is aiming to complete the notoriously difficult Grand Slam (climbing the 7 highest summits in the world). His story is truly inspirational and we have really enjoyed writing about him in our Biography topic. 

British Values. 


Year 6 were lucky to have their second Play In A Day of the year which was based on British Values. The children learnt about what our British Values are and what they mean to us. 

Throughout the day the children spoke about tolerance, respect, democracy and liberty. 


We learnt about what democracy meant and how women fought so hard to win the vote so now we can all vote and have our say in important decisions. We also learnt about how our land is governed and that laws are passed in the Houses of Parliament. We know that we must respect these rules so we can all live happily and safely. Finally we thought very hard about tolerance and being tolerant means we can all accept and respect one another even if our opinions and beliefs are different. 


Here are some pictures of our day and our speeches we wrote to present to the rest of the school. 



Tatton Park Trip


As part of our lessons on World War II we all went to Tatton Park as evacuees from 1941. When we arrived we met Farmer John, Aunt Mary and the Land Girl Ruth. During the day, we experienced life as an evacuee, carrying out jobs on the farm, helping Aunt Mary in the cottage and racing to the shelter during an air raid. It was a great day and we learnt a lot about life as an evacuee.... some of us quite liked life on the farm. 


Our Anderson Shelters

Over the Christmas Holidays the year 6 children worked on a project to make their own model Anderson Shelters. The pupils researched the shelters, what they were made from, why they were used and what they were like to shelter inside. The children worked extremely hard on their models and the results are fantastic!! 



Joe told us that, "lots of people had to spend the night in the Anderson Shelter so they put beds and furniture inside." We were surprised that everyone got up and went to school and work as normal the next day. 


Lottie found out that in November 1938, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain placed Sir John Anderson in charge of Air Raid Precautions. He immediately commissioned the engineer, William Patterson, to design a small and cheap shelter that could be erected in people's gardens. The first 'Anderson' shelter was erected in a garden in Islington, London on 25 February 1939 and, between then and the outbreak of the war in September, around 1.5 million shelters were distributed to people living in areas expected to be bombed by the Luftwaffe.



Alex and Josh told us that in many gardens people had a vegetable patch to grow their own fruit and vegetables. There was a campaign called Dig for Victory which encouraged people to supplement their rations with homegrown vegetables. Josh discovered that some people even planted vegetables in the earth on top of the Anderson Shelters. 

In Other Faiths Week, we studied Hinduism.  As part of our studies we had a special visitor who discussed Hinduism and taught us a special dance.  

Our Smile Challenge 

Throughout this week the children in Year 6 have been working on The Smile Challenge.  For the challenge each group's task is to work together, using a budget of £10 each, to orgainise an activity which would make as many people in our school or local area smile.   

To begin our week,we thought about what is needed to make a good and successful team.  We carried out some team activities and discussed what made a successful team.  

Next, we thought about how communication was very important to a successful team.  We carried out an activity in pairs, we each had to give instructions to our partner to guide them in drawing a picture that they had not seen.  We realised that good communication skills are vital to make a successful team.  

Thursday 19th May was Smile Challenge day and all the groups were able to carryout the activities they had spent all week planning and organising. 

As you can see from the pictures the activities were a huge success and the children achieved their aim of making others smile and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. 

These were gifts to say thank you to our mums for looking after us and make them smile!

We organised a cross bar challenge and beat the goalie competition to raise money in memory of Miss McHugh.

To make the children in our nursery smile, one group organised a teddy bear's picnic.

This group decided to make the volunteers at Freshfield Animal Rescue Centre smile by arranging a collection of food for the animals and a guess the name of the cuddly toy to raise money.

One brave group arranged a car wash for the teachers' cars - for a small fee of course. All the money raised was generously given to nursery to make the children smile.

A Cake and Lemonade sale raised money for Jospice, a local hospice which is very close to many of our hearts. We are sure the donation will help make the people there smile.

Healthy and Active Weeks. 

During these two weeks we learnt about the importance of keeping active and healthy. Each class had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of coaches participating in a wide range of sports, including: football, dance, gymnastics, athletics and team games. As you can see from the photographs we had a great time, as well as getting healthy!

Fun Run and Sports Day. 

Healthy and Active week also saw the return of two annual favourites: Sport's Day and The Great Colomendy Fun Run. 

A huge congratulations to all the house teams for making the Sport's Day such an enjoyable event and a special congratulations to St Andrew who were the over all winners on the day.

The Colomendy Fun Run was also a spectacular day! Year 6 would like to say a huge thank you to all the children who came in fancy dress, all the parents who ran and all the teachers who helped the day run smoothly. 




Sport's Day and Colomendy Fun Run

Here are a list of some useful websites. 