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Year 6

Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other the same as God forgave you in Christ.

Ephesians 4:32

Welcome to the Year 6 webpage


Miss Wignall, Mrs Johnson and Miss Kirby welcome you to the Year 6 webpage. We look forward to showing you all of the wonderful things that happen in our class throughout the year.


General Information


Autumn Term 2017


The school day begins with registration at 8:55am and we really appreciate prompt time-keeping to get the children off to a good start. Each day we begin with reinforcing basic skills in Maths and English so it is vital that your child is in on time and ready to learn.

Reading diaries should be signed each night and will be checked on a Friday. Please spend time discussing the book that your child brings home with them. We also encourage the children to read a range of other texts in addition to their home-school reading book. We would be grateful if you could comment on other books that your child reads at home.



Monday: Reading Comprehension - to be returned on Wednesday

Tuesday: Times Tables – to be returned Wednesday

Wednesday: Arithmetic given out – to be returned Friday

Friday: Grammar – to be returned the following Monday


Spellings will be given out on Monday and tested on Friday.



During the Autumn Term, the children will participate in swimming as part of their P.E lessons. This will take place on a Thursday and children will need full swimming kits, including goggles. Earrings may not be worn.

The children enjoyed discussing one of our British Values, democracy, before visiting the Polling Station to vote for their chosen representatives of our School Council. A huge well done to those who were elected.

Mission Statement Artwork

The children worked hard to create their Mission Statement artwork. Each group took one of the statements and thought carefully about how they could illustrate this. 
The children showed off their competitive sides during a recent place value game during Maths. They used their place value charts to write their numbers and then partitioned these canonically. 
A huge well done to those children who represented Year 6 at the mini-kickers football tournament. 
The Year 6 children led a beautiful Feast Day Mass. During the service, the children who had been voted on the School Council received their badges and the Year 6 children were presented with their prefect badges. 

Year 6 took part in their first Djembe drum lesson, we will have a drum lesson every Monday. The children are looking forward to working on their first performance.

Year 6 were extremely lucky to have Andy Grant, a local hero, come to visit our class. He is a former Royal Marine who was injured in an IED explosion which resulted in him having his right leg amputated. Since then, Andy has completed many challenges, including: abseiling down The Shard; competing in the Invictus Games (winning two gold medals and a bronze); becoming the world’s fastest amputee over 10km. During his visit, he told us all about his journey, his future challenges and how we can all work hard and achieve our own dreams. He is truly inspirational and we will remember his story and message. During English, the children are going to be creating a biography all about him and look forward to sharing these with Andy.

Year 6 enjoyed preparing for and performing a Play in a Day based on World War II. The children learnt that at 11.15 am on 3rd September 1939, Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain announced that Britain was at war with Germany via a radio broadcast. They also learnt about conscription, evacuation and how war impacted on life at home. The play was a great success and the children thoroughly enjoyed the day.

The school nurses visited Year 6 to talk about keeping healthy. They were very impressed with the children's knowledge throughout the session. Well done Year 6!
As part of their Spanish culture lessons, the children enjoyed baking apple tarts. 

We set ourselves a Year Six challenge to walk up Moel Famau in Wales. The children and staff had a great day and everyone appreciated the stunning views and natural beauty of our world.

Which strategy is best?

During Maths, the children worked in pairs to sort out arithmetic questions into different categories. They discussed each question and then decided if it should be completed mentally, using jottings or with a written method. 
Well done to those children who represented our school during a recent Year 5/6 football tournament at Goals. 

During our English lessons, we have been reading about the famous high wire walker, Philippe Petit. Having read the book The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein, we wrote biographies of his exciting life in which he achieved the impossible.


​The children enjoyed working with a specialist Design Technology teacher and made models of Philippe Petit tightrope walking between the two towers.

The Man Who Walked Between The Towers

The children were extremely lucky to take part in a Gang Prevention Workshop led by James.The aim of the workshop was to deliver the message "get away and get safe". 

James was fantastic in his delivery and certainly got the children thinking! Through his interactive activities and discussions, he provided the children with the tactics and information needed to avoid gangs.  

The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and quotes from some of them, giving their views on the week, can be found below.


"It was the most inspirational week I have taken part in. James taught me that gangs are not the right thing to join." (Ross)


"No one should ever join a gang because it is not a good lifestyle and can put your family in danger." (Adam)


"James taught us what a gang is. I learnt that people in a gang aren't your friends, they are your associates." (Daisy)


A huge thank you to James for a fantastic week and also to One Vision Housing for supporting him. 


Show Racism The Red Card

The whole school took part in Show Racism the Red Card day. The children were asked to come into school in red (or blue!) clothing to show their support. 

During the day, we talked about why racism is wrong and the children linked this to their work on British Values, especially tolerance and respect. 

As part of our new book, The Day the Crayons Quit, the children enjoyed taking part in a Philosophy lesson. They worked collaboratively and creatively to create their own questions based on the themes raised in the book. 

Prior Learning - Decimals

As part of their prior learning in maths, the children worked together to show what they already know about decimals. After the lesson, they assessed their skills and thought carefully about areas that they would like to improve on. 
A group of Year 6 children helped to plan and deliver a beautiful Collective Worship based on the theme, friendship. Well done to all those children who were a part of the worship.

Think Charts in English

During English, the children worked hard to complete their 'Think Charts'. The charts allowed them to think more deeply into the text we are studying and also helped to develop the skills of inference and deduction. 
The whole school had a fantastic afternoon watching a special Anti-Bullying play by Altru Drama Company. Afterwards, Year 6 were able to participate in a special workshop, which extended their understanding of different types of bullying and looked at ways to deal with these. 

Equality and Diversity Workshop

Remembrance Day Collective Worship

The children demonstrated reverence and respect during our special Remembrance Day Collective Worship. They wrote special prayers to remember those who lost their lives in battle and also those who have suffered as a result. 

Problem Solving

The children enjoyed using resources to help them work systematically when completing a Finding All Possibilities decimal problem during maths. 

Supporting Children In Need

Children In Need Collective Worship

Year 6 helped to plan and deliver a special whole school Children In Need Collective Worship. 

Using Think Charts in History

In history, the children worked extremely hard to use a range of sources to research the events that led to World War Two. They used the sources, along with their Think Chart Organisers and a timeline to deepen their understandings of these key events in history. 

Design Technology - Making Fairgrounds

As part of their introduction to our new science topic, Electricity, the children worked with a specialist D.T. teacher to design and make their own fairground rides. They had a fantastic day and had a lot of fun creating their unique rides. Well done Year 6! 

Ordering Arithmetic Questions

During maths, the children worked in pairs to order addition and subtraction arithmetic questions. They thought carefully about which questions could be answered mentally, which required jottings and those than needed written methods. They also had to look out for the red herring! Once they had sorted them, they discussed each question with their partner and then ordered them from easiest to hardest. Finally, they had to explain why they had made the choices they had made. 

Introduction to our new book, The Rabbits

As an introduction to our new book, The Rabbits, the children were given extracts from the story. They worked in small groups to discuss what they could see in the pictures and also how powerful the words were that accompanied these images. Next, they tried to order the pages and explain why they thought they would be found in that particular order in the book. This was a difficult task as they didn't have every page and they had to really justify their answers! Finally, they watched a short video which gave them more of an insight as to what the story would be about. They used this to help them to construct their predictions. 

The children had a lot of fun and can't wait for the next lesson!

British Values Assembly

Year 6 delivered a very special assembly based on The Rule of Law, one of our British Values.  Each class takes a different value and presents work on this during assembly.

The children thought hard about what The Rule of Law is, who decides on our laws, who helps to look after us within our community and how we can play an important part in making our society a better place. Well done to all those who participated in the assembly. 

Sorting Multiplication Questions

During maths, the children worked in pairs to sort multiplication arithmetic questions from easiest to hardest. They discussed each question and then decided on a suitable strategy to use before solving each question carefully - ensuring that they checked their answers thoroughly!

Christmas Jumper Day


Romeo and Juliet

Holocaust Workshop

Building Circuits

Using Emoji Icons in English

Safer Internet Day

Science Investigation

Multicultural Assembly

Programming with Mr Melia

How Does Light Travel?

Easter Competition

Team Building Activities

Cake and Lemonade Sale

How many sweets are in the jar?

Guess The Name Of The Teddy

Freshfield Animal Rescue Centre Donations

Healthy and Active Fortnight

Spanish Cookery

School Nurse
