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A Letter to Year 4

Hello Year 4! 


We hope you and all of your families are safe and well and have managed to have a lovely Easter break eating lots of chocolate! We hope you have saved us some. We just wanted to say a big thank you to you all for working so hard, we appreciate it a lot. 


All of your work for this week is on the class page under Week 3. We have tried to make it a bit easier  for you to know what you need to do each day and how to spread the work out across the week.  There is now a timetable to help you organise your week if you need it, so that you know what you need to do and when.


Thank you for all the great tweets! We have really enjoyed seeing them all. Keep sending them through as we love keeping in touch with you all. Remember when you tweet to use the handle @StBellarmine and #yr4srb. We will try to reply to these if we can.


On Wednesday 22nd April we hope you all take part in the Keep Your Spirit’s Up – Keepy Up Challenge.’ Mrs Liggat would love it if you could tweet photos and videos of you and your family taking part!


Keep working on your times tables on TTRockstars every day as this is so important! Remember we can see when you last played! We would like to introduce a new challenge for a Friday afternoon. It is to play 10 games in the studio and record a new time (remember we can check that you play 10 games on that day). We will then have a weekly winner. Currently the top 3 are Jordan Sweet, closely followed by Jan Setzer and Hero la Rock. But will they still be there come the end of the week?


Well done for keeping up with your reading, this will make a big difference and you will see improvements quickly if you read for around 15 mins each day! 

We now have an online library called Epic! Reading  ( where you can access books online, using the username and password that has been emailed to your parents. I can see that many of you have logged on and are reading the books online, 27 books have been completed already! This is fantastic, keep going! 

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to GetEpic reading. 


Remember that we all work at different levels and find some subjects easier and others harder. There may be times when you feel stuck, don’t worry it’s ok! Here are some suggestions of what you can do if you find something difficult: 

  • Stop and think carefully about it, have a go, you might get it right after all. 

  • Look at any examples. 

  • Ask an adult, they might just need to help you get started. 

  • Don’t rush, if something takes you longer than the suggested time that’s ok, you can always come back to it the next day. 


We are missing you all and once again would like to thank you for working so hard.

Make sure you take time to relax and enjoy being with your family too!

And don't forget, even at home: #yr4keepitkind


Sir and Mrs Sutton
