Last week, in Science, we continued to look at classification. A video to recap on this can be found at:
This week, I would like you to research Carl Linnaeus, a scientist who was famous for classifying living things into groups (this was known as taxonomy). I would like you to create a fact file on Linnaeus and include the work that he carried out. You can choose how you want to set this out – you may like to design a poster, PowerPoint or use a fact file template to record your work. You might even like to create a video to explain why this man is important.
I have provided you with some information to get you started but you must use the internet to carry out more research. Videos, to support your research, can be found on YouTube and also at:
Once you have finished your fact file, you might like to complete the activity sheet provided below and also have a go at the quiz to see what you can remember. As I said last week, some activities may take longer than an afternoon session so it is fine if you complete your science work during another suitable time in the week.
In Geography last week, we looked at grid references and also some of the symbols found on ordnance survey maps. Before moving on this week, I would like you to think about what you remember from last week. Please see the Quiz PowerPoint below for key questions.
This week, I would like you to access the website
Here, you will be able to read more about ordnance survey maps, building on what you read last week. There are also videos to watch, activities for you to do, games to play, quizzes and also some sheets to download from the ‘Resources and Links’ section. I hope that this allows you to develop your understanding of ordnance survey maps so that by the end of the week, you will know more about scale, relief and contours and compass bearings as well as consolidating your knowledge of grid references and map symbols.
For your art this week, you can continue with your drawings/paintings based on coasts from the lesson last week.