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Complete each of the spelling activities and learn your spellings. When you complete your spelling test on Friday, make sure you email me your score!


I have included the entire set of Year 3 spellings in case you wanted to give yourself a big spelling quiz for the end of the year! 



You have a SPaG recap to complete. Complete one each day. There are three different levels of difficulty - pick the best one to challenge yourself.


I have included some extras for you to complete over the summer holidays - only if you want to!

Setting Description

This week your focus is going to be on writing a setting description. This is a recap of some writing we did already in Year 3. You may remember how we use lots of adjectives and 2A sentences to add detail to our work.  

Copy and paste each of the links into the search bar or you can click on the link below and select ‘Setting Description’ from the webpage.




Before you begin this week’s work why don’t you have a think about some 2A sentences that would be useful to use to add detail.


End of Year Activities 


I hope you enjoy completing these lovely activities!
