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Greetings Year 4

Mornin' all, 


we hope that you are all up for another week of home learning. Can you believe that this is week 9!! You've all being doing so well with the work we've been setting and you should all feel very proud of your achievements. It's great when we get to see your work through the emails that you send. Please keep them coming.


Anybody who did the weekly spelling test on Sumdog has been rewarded with some coins. The same will happen this week but the spelling test won't appear until Friday. So get practising during the week.


Also keep at the TTRockstars. There are 3 certificates to award this week to people who played 10 studio games on Friday. Well done to Sydney D. Hendrix, Ariana Whedon and Jan Setzer who's closing in on 1st place. Keep on rockin'


With regard to Epic Reading, I'm glad to see some of you have read the books we have assigned to the class. There are some new books assigned this week relating to our topic of the Ancient Greek Gods. Let's see how many of you can read some of them this week and let's see if we can get a new Epic Reading award.


Tuesday is annual Empathy Day. Empathy means that you are able to understand and feel the emotions of others and it is what helps us to be kind and understanding to others. There are some fun activities for you try. 


Also, in the additional activities section, there is an activity looking at the positives that have come from lockdown. Think about all the time you have been able to spend with your family, maybe you have been improving your fitness or you have learnt a new skill. Have a think, write them down and we would love to see them. If you would like to, you can email or tweet them using the addresses 


Email address: 

Twitter:@StBellarmine and #yr4srb


Over the next few weeks, I will try to phone all those not in school, just to say hello. I look forward  to speaking to you and hear all about what you have been up to! 

Until then, stay safe everyone!

Keep smiling and keep working hard


Sir and Mrs Sutton
