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Hello Year 4

Hi Year 4, 




We hope you and your families continue to stay safe and well and that you managed to spend some time relaxing over the last week; enjoying the great weather and celebrating VE Day in style.


Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you for the video that you put together for me. it was great to see so many of you demonstrating your talents with a toilet roll!! It even managed to put a great big smile on my miserable face! 


Also, thank you to those of you who have been in touch and shared work with us, it has been great to see what you’ve been up to.  We know it can be hard at times but you are all doing a fantastic job. Thank- you for trying so hard and keep up the amazing work. For those of you, who haven’t yet emailed,  remember you can get in touch with us using the email address  – even if it is just to say hello.


Well done for keeping up with your reading. Remember, reading for around 15 minutes each day makes a real difference.  Even more of you are now accessing the online library Epic! Reading ( and I can see that you have been continuing to enjoy a whole range of books and watching some of the videos too. Let's see if this week we can receive another email from Epic! Reading to say that our class has earned another badge! 


As you all know this week Sumdog are running a national competition  and you have all been entered in. I can see that some of you have already been taking part so well done! We have somebody in the top 101 Wow!! I would really love to see everyone in our class taking part in the competition. If you are unsure of your Sumdog username and password, then you can email me using our class account and I will send it over. The competition started on Friday and is running for one week, so you still have time to take part! We need at least ten children to take part to be in with a chance to win!


This week on your timetable, there are some health and wellbeing activities for you to try if you want to. We all know it is important to keep working on your reading, English and maths skills but your wellbeing is even more important. These activities give you the opportunity to think about how we can keep ourselves and our relationships happy and healthy. There are also some ideas of how we can make others smile who maybe feeling a little lonely at this difficult time.


Thanks again for your tweets, we really enjoy seeing them. Please continue to try to tweet any work that you are proud of. Don’t forget to use the handle @StBellarmine and #yr4srb


We continue to miss you all. Thank you all once again for working hard and a huge thank you to your parents who are doing a wonderful job supporting you, we really appreciate it.


Stay safe everyone! 

Take care and keep smiling,  


Sir & Mrs Sutton


