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Hello Year 4

Good morning one and all,


We hope you are all safe and well. It's almost half term with only one more week to go.  Myself and Mrs Sutton are well, thank you to everyone who has asked via our class email. We are both missing you all and hoping we can get back to school in the near future!


Thank you for keeping in touch this week, we really do love receiving your emails and tweets. These show us how hard you have been working while you are at home. Please do keep in touch and share what you have been up to this week. Our class email is and when you tweet remember the handle @StBellarmine and also use #yr4srb


Well done to everyone who entered the Sumdog competition - you did us proud. We finished 154th overall. Now you may think that doesn't sound great but when you consider it was out of 1278 schools from England, Scotland and Wales then it's amazing! We're in the top 12%!! Everyone who entered the contest has been rewarded with coins! Even though the competition is over, you can still continue to log in and play online. There'll be more rewards this week for the top performers and for those who attempt the spelling challenge on Friday. If you need your log-in then please email and I will send it over.


Don't forget to get back on TTRockstars this week and play 10 games in the studio. Ariana Whedon is climbing the leaderboard and is now school's top 20! How high can she go?


Well done everyone who is using Epic Reading! This week I would like you to try reading some books that I have assigned for you? I found some great ones about science topics we have covered and one about emotions and kindness. You could use these for your 15 minute daily read. Remember we can see what you're reading on Epic and the books you've completed. Let's see if we can earn some badges this week.


Thank you so much for working hard,

We look forward to catching up with you again over emails this week. 

Stay safe everyone! 


Sir & Mrs Sutton
