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Hello Year 4

Hi everyone, 


we hope you had a lovely half term finding time to relax with your family and able to enjoy the amazing weather.


Thank- you for your emails and tweets! It's great hearing from you all. Remember, keep the emails coming with any work you would like to show us, ask us a question if you are unsure or to just say hello. You can also use twitter to show us what you've been up to. 


Our class email address is:

Twitter:@StBellarmine and #yr4srb


The activities for the week have been uploaded to our class webpage under week 8. Remember to focus on reading, maths/times tables, English and spellings. There are also lots of other activities for you too, including: history, science, computing and health and well-being. Remember to keep trying your best and have a go at what you can and what you feel confident with (you don’t have to do everything). 


Keep up with the Epic reading, new books relating to the Ancient Greek gods have been assigned for you, and TTRockstars. I have seen lots of you using SumDog as well which is great. On Friday this week's spellings will be tested on Sumdog. There will be coin rewards for everyone who completes the assessment. If you want you can also use Numbots (, it is like TTRockstars but for addition and subtraction. Your password is the same as the one you use for TTRockstars. If you need to be reminded of your password then please email me and I will send it over. 


Before half term, we mentioned that there was an exciting national RE competition that you might like to enter. As you know, the official closing date for this is 31stJuly 2020. However, Mrs Jones, our RE Governor, along with the help of some of the parishioners from Church, has very kindly decided that she would like to organise our own ‘local’ version of the competition. The rules are the same as the official competition so please refer to the leaflet in the RE section of our class page as this will remind you of the task. The closing date for our local School/Church competition will be Friday 10thJuly as this will allow us to judge the entries and announce the winners before we break up for the summer holidays. We have decided that there will be a winner from EFYS, KS1 and KS2 and each will receive a £10 voucher. In order to enter, please email a copy or photograph of your piece of work by Friday 10thJuly to your class email address.  All entries will be displayed in Church once it is safe to reopen and a selection will also be shared in the Church newsletter and Facebook page.  Don’t forget to enter your work into the national competition too by 31stJuly for your chance to win £25! Good Luck! 


Thank you all once again for working so hard and please say a huge thank you to your parents who are doing such a wonderful job supporting you, we really appreciate it.


Keep smiling, take care and stay safe everyone!


Sir & Mrs Sutton 
