Good morning all,
Well who'd have thought it? This is our last week together as a class and your last week as lower juniors! I can’t believe how fast time has moved since the end of March when we were last all together. Mrs Sutton and I have missed seeing you and teaching you these past few months and we are so sorry that our time together has been cut short.
What a year we have had! And we have lots of fun times to look back! The year started with our trip to the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Martin Mere. We presented our anti-bullying videos during the friendship assembly. We strutted our stuff on the catwalk during the 'trashion show'. There was also the celebration of your First Reconciliation during December when you delivered a lovely service. As we came back in January, we started the new term with play-in-a-day based upon Macbeth. This is always one of my favourite activities and you did yourselves proud. We took part in athletics at the Hawthorns; we became experts on LS Lowry learning to draw like he did, and we produced hydraulic heads in DT with Steph. I'm sure there's plenty of other things you can think of that I've forgotten! Our time together may have been shorter than usual but we certainly packed a lot in!
However, September is not that far away when you return as Year 5’s…. So thinking of that, we have set you some transition activities this week. There's also the transition page for you moving into Year 5 and that link is below.
Our last week’s home learning tasks are now online under week 14. As well as the normal activities, there are some transition tasks that you might enjoy and you will find a quiz and some puzzles just for fun.
Even though you will be on your summer holidays from next week, you should keep working on the following apps/websites to help you with remembering information from Year 4. These are a good way to keep everything bubbling and make sure you are ready for the work when you go to Year 5:
We have put together a little something for you all to keep as a reminder of our year together. You can print this off if you want to keep it as a reminder of the short yet memorable time we had together in Year 4.
As we finish our year together, we just want to say thank you and well done for all the hard work you have completed this year not just in school but at home too! You should all feel very proud of everything you have achieved. We have enjoyed working with you all and it was such a shame our year was cut short. Please keep working hard as you move through the school. Remember:
Aim high
Work hard
Dream big
and don't forget
BELIEVE in yourself
We hope that you have a lovely Summer holidays and enjoy the break.
See you all in September.
Take care
Sir & Mrs Sutton
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