Hi everyone,
Another week has flown by already! We hope that you and your families are all ok and that you are not missing us too much! Well done for another great week of home learning, it has been great to see your tweets (don’t forget to use the handle @StBellarmine and #Yr4SRB) and emails. Over the week, I have spoken to many parents and some of you too and it was lovely to hear how well you are all doing at home. We are very proud of your efforts! Please continue to keep in touch.
We now have our class email up and running, which will make it much easier for us to keep in touch. You can use the email to send one piece of work a week at Y4@strobertbellarmine.co.uk. You can also send us a message to say hello, tell us about your achievements or ask a question if you are unsure about any of the work.
Well done for keeping up with your reading. Remember, reading for around 15 minutes each day makes a real difference. Many of you are now accessing the online library Epic! Reading (https://www.getepic.com) and I can see that you have been enjoying a whole range of books and watching some of the videos too. For those of you who haven’t logged on yet, please do so this week as Epic! has a huge range of books that I know you will enjoy.
Keep working on your times tables using TTRockstars for at least ten minutes each day. And on Friday, challenge yourself to set a new time by playing 10 games in the studio. There is a also a new Sumdog contest starting on Friday. This will run for a week and involves schools from across the country. Let's see if we can do ourselves proud. There are prizes on a daily basis and overall prizes at the end of the week. The best days to play maybe Saturday and Sunday as these tend to be the quieter days!
Thank you all once again for working hard and a huge thank you to your parents who are doing a wonderful job supporting you, we really appreciate it.
That’s all for now,
Take care, keep smiling and stay safe.
Sir & Mrs Sutton