In your first workpack I asked you to do some independent research into Florence Nightingale to give you some prior knowledge. We are going to look at her over the next few weeks and think about why we still talk about her today.
Lesson 1
Look at this slideshow all about Florence Nighingale. Think about the questions that are being asked and read the information.
Florence Nightingale was determined to be a nurse, even though it went against her parents wishe and the expectations of everyone she knew.
What do you want to be when you grow up and why? What do you think you need to do to make your choice come true? (e.g. training hard to be a footballer, studying hard to be a doctor, etc.).
Activity 1-
There are 3 different levels of activity that can be completed.
Activity 1A - Simplest activity
Using the information on the powerpoint, complete the sentence to show what Florence Nightingale wanted to be when she grew up and then describe what you want to be and draw a picture.
Activity 1B - Slightly trickier
Using the information on the powerpoint complete the questions about what Florence Nightingale wanted to be and why. Then describe what you want to be when you grow up and why and draw a picture.
Activity 1C and 1D - Trickiest
Read through the Information Sheet provided and then answer the questions on worksheet 1C about Florence’s early life and training as a nurse. When finished, complete the information on worksheet 1D to describe what you want to be when you grow up and why.
Lesson 2
This lesson will allow you to think about Why Florence Nightingale went to Scutari, how she got there and what it was like when she arrived.
Read the information carefully and think about the questions in red when they come up. If there is anyone working with you talk about these questions, if not think carefully.
Write questions that you would like to ask Florence, these could be about when she found out about the war, her journey, what she thought when she arrived.