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History - Titanic, Two sessions

This week we are going to go back to the topic Titanic in history. We did not finish the whole topic so we are going to go over some of the lessons that we missed.


This week we are going to think all about how life onboard the Titanic was different depending on how much money you had. The ship was split into three section - First class, second class and third class.


Look at the information on the websites below and find out what it was like to be in each class.


I would like you to tell me all that you learnt about the classes.


You can present this in any way that you like -

-Record your findings in your exercise book

-Make a poster with facts about each class

-Create a PowerPoint


You can think about what it was like in each class first, second and third.

Think about -

  • What type of people were in that class? Why were they on the Titanic?

  • What could they do in each class?

  • What could you find in each class e.g. swimming pool?

  • What were the rooms like in each class?


You can add any other information that you find interesting.


This work is for two afternoons.
